GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I like how the house budget chairman apparently thinks there’s something after just eliminating the income tax

A referéndum has to be approved by the legislature, which I give a 75% chance of happening, whereafter I give the referendum a 50/50 shot.

It is indeed GOP insanity, though.

This is a good policy, but the rustled jimmies alone would be sufficient justification.


There’s also a group that’s pushing to make East Cobb County its own city. Obviously, it’s spearheaded by Republicans.

It’s fucking insane that they can now charge a grand for overrated shit like this.

Cabela’s is loving this apparent arms race and they fully know they can jack up all the ar15s simply because the news made them out to be some special pos.

I have been tortured with a lot of newsmax with the sound off lately. It is AMAZING

@Riverman what would it take to get a 1-2 hour report on prime time Newsmax?

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Nonstop funny headlines.

These are not top ten for last hour.


I would pay to have Riverman watch NewsMax for an hour and report on it. Offer to escrow money as well if we can get a pool going.


Need a real time stream of consciousness as he watches.

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Oh for sure. Liveblog style, not a written report afterwards.

Make it into a monthly podcast.

It’s not any different than clothing brands charging insane markups because of name recognition and cultural cachet. The right has glorified the AR-15 and given the model an incredible amount of free word-of-mouth buzzmarketing thanks to people like Bobert. The AR-15 has become an icon of the Republican Party. I can only get so mad at Cabela’s for fleecing these people.

no idea about anything involving guns, how much should an ar-15 cost?


It’s a bit like asking how much a Dolce & Gabana belt “should cost.” You can keep your pants from falling down for way way less, but that’s not really the point. You can get an entirely reasonable hunting rifle or shotgun or handgun for like $500 or so, but the AR is the weapon of choice for American mass shooters, so it commands a higher price because of the prestige. Plus they can upcharge you on all the dumb tactical gizmos and accessories that you can attach to your AR-15.

the fat shaming of johnson is absolutely chefs kiss.

strikes me as weird to have ar as home defense weapon. it was developed to dominate mid range, but most encounters at home are much too close range. rittenhouz shot three at point blank.

i’ve shot a hunting ak. it’s… fine. it’s not particularly light, or comfortable, or accurate, but it will definitely drop any size game from any distance, and can absolutely explode a bird. as a kid i remember some hunting two barrel rifles that were like beautiful timepieces. compared to those, ar is similar to ak, except it’s an even more soulless metal tube with even less craftsmanship in it. /shrug

There’s a bit of a backstory with regards to the AR-15: in my grandpa’s day, the NRA was a gun lobbying org that mostly catered to hunters and sportsmen. in the 60’s-70’s there was a combination of dudes coming back from Vietnam and also racist idiots who were stoking paranoid Turner Diaries fears about racewars and Commie invasions. It created an enormous market for military-style weapons that could be sold at enormous markups. Plus there are all kinds of dumb accessories you can buy along with your AR-15. So the NRA stopped trying to sell you on a $500 home defense shotgun and worked on hysterical paranoid messaging trying to get you to buy an AR-15 with a custom stock, rail, a holographic sight, and pistol grips for 3-4 times that. Because you need it when you’re a badass militia guy ready to overthrow the government.


dude, cost-benefit—high risk/high reward—sure the results would be superb, but the risk of a brain aneurysm or a blown heart gasket are just too damn high

probably should start getting ready in case those guys with AR’s actually do that last line since they didn’t last time and almost got there anyway but what do I know
