GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Why would you think they wouldn’t sell ar15s?

Available for curbside pickup!

well shit. waaf. i thought they stuck more closely to hunting rifles.

$969 is perfectly priced.

Well what if you want to hunt 50 “animals” at once? In a school for example.


Sometimes deer are really fast and you need to give them a quick 3 shot burst to make sure you bag 'em.

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I genuinely hate my own country.


They mostly sell hunting rifles, but there’s just so much money to be made selling marked-up AR-15s to MAGA chuds that they can’t avoid it. $1,000 bucks a pop.

30 to 50 feral hogs is probably the best justification for AR15 ownership. I’m fine with a law that limits AR15 ownership to anyone who has had that many hogs rush their property.


This creates an opportunity for entrepreneurs to bring 50 “feral” hogs to your property long enough to let them run around for a picture or video. Eventually they’ll probably also be licensed gun dealers who can deliver your AR right to you once they wrangle the hogs back into the trailer.

Normal hunting rifle is like $300-500, but Trumpalos will pay a grand or more for an AR.

Compared to the level of gun control we have now I would snap take this in a heartbeat.


Countries, like people, aren’t just one thing. But there’s a lot of bad thing about America.

just dawned on me that most of the 2026 world cup games are gonna be in the US, and also the 2028 summer olympics are in L.A. Good timing I think, in the mid-2020s the United States should be a very cool, perfectly normal, emphatically serene place to be, the whole national melting pot coming together to put our best foot forward on the world stage. And as a bonus July 4th 2026 is our semiquincentennial. Guys it’s gonna be great, so much to celebrate, nothing that could possibly disrupt these hundreds of gatherings of thousands of people watched by billions of eyes


Well where the is pedophile flasher husband? They couldn’t get someone else to take the pic or figure out a timer?


The 2018 world cup was Russia, next year is Qatar. 2026 LA will still be a massive improvement unless it’s like, escape from LA territory.

Prominent Republicans now openly proposing eliminating K-12 education.


England said the state’s current mix of revenue – which mostly comes from the 5.75% income tax and 4% sales tax

Yeah that’ll go over well.

TBF the person who said that is a Republican who opposes removing the income tax.

Gotta love Purdue’s rhetoric: “we have to be more competitive with other states!” Uhh why bro. Atlanta apartments are renting for 2018 DC prices now and Atlanta’s wall of suburbia is encroaching on neighboring states. I think we’re competing effectively with Alabama and Tennessee.

What is going on with Buckhead secession?