GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Seems weird that this guy, who’s using redpill as a verb and claims to be something of an internet historian, makes no mention of /r/theredpill/, which I think most of us disregarded at the time as an isolated pit of misogyny rather than one of the first metastases that would rot the minds of young white conservative men.

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I hate this because of how outrageously on point it is


Dunno about representing himself as an internet historian, he’s a fantasy football writer that follows politics.

The basic problem is that libertarianism is bad. And excessive libertarianism applied to the internet is really bad.
This is a person making budget decisions. :woman_facepalming:

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I didn’t get very far into that Matrix essay, as this is just wrong:

…the amoral machines that had scorched the earth in a nuclear apocalypse and enslaved every human that didn’t perish.

Morpheus explicitly tells Neo it was humans that scorched the sky (not the earth). And the machines are not amoral, they just have a different view of what is good and right. Immoral, maybe.

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I have to disagree, don’t want to derail the thread into an ethics discussion but I think machines would be lacking in morals not actively rejecting societal norms.


russian opposition (all in exile) are currently making the rounds visiting parliaments everywhere possible, netherlands, eu, belgium, and the US. they are talking to bipartisan commissions about sanctions on putin’s close circle. because, of course, they have to go bipartisan. so i’ve seen them meet with kinzinger, burr, etc.

But boy are they going to be surprised when the ‘22-‘24 GOP has been ear-wormed by tucker and doesn’t want to tangle with putin anymore.

genius is a bad read, trmp is just the most awful mark ever.


I think the Putin fetish is 90% homegrown and 10% Russian. Fascist idiots in the US adore the macho strongman dictator, it doesn’t take a whole lot to nudge the Fox News crowd into being pro-Putin with a small army of Facebook bots.

Maybe, I’m not much of a philosopher. It’s just not what happens in the Matrix universe. Each machine character has their own individual set of rules they follow and are constantly going on about. Agent Smith is unique among them in that he rejects the values he starts with.

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What is going on with the football allegiances in this household?

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Had to throw in a Raiders jumper in solidarity with cancel culture destroying upstanding citizen Gruden

I’m supposed to be outraged, but its, meh. I don’t know if I’m desensitized or she’s just not that scary. She’s a crazy douchebag addicted to her anger, whatever. Feel bad for her kids. But why no Broncos? She’s in Colorado.

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you didn’t catch those are Rodgers and Gruden?

putin fetish is because gop saw how russian disinformation helped them take out democrats. e.g. kremlin talking heads are all in on getting ilhan omar murdered. yes, they really are paying attention.