GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Yeah, it looks like she’s got on a wedding ring and an apple watch. I think we can safely say she is a good bit over 10yrs old.

Fair enough. Just a bad read and take on my part and a huge overreaction.

Sorry everybody. Pretty clear I need a break from anything related to the nonstop culture wars.


It’s weird that the grandpa has a machinegun, I didn’t think those were legal. Actually, is the Uzi the girl has legal to own? America’s YOLO gun laws continue to amaze.

The uzi might be semi automatic but it is legal to own automatics if you get a license for it

This made me laugh more than the photo


I’m surprised The Onion hasn’t run a 'Family Member Dies in Fatal Christmas Card Incident" story yet. Maybe it’s just not absurd enough. Or maybe is has already actually happened?

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Today I learned actual dicks have suction bases.


I’m not sure which was a bigger miss:

-Thinking it was an actual dick
-Thinking the girl was 10 or thereabouts

I see you also can’t read. I never said she was 10. I did estimate ~ 14 being honest.

When the wannabe rapist troll got under my skin I offered an example.

Well, if we want to talk about reading, you can see I said “or thereabouts”. I guess we can argue about what that means and if 14 qualifies if you’re so inclined. I thought it was sufficiently vague as to include a pretty wide range.

I initially assumed your estimate to be higher, but then I thought it odd that you would follow that up with an example that was substantially younger than your estimate. Why try to make a point about something and support it with an example of something else? It was a bit weird to me.

I’m not sure what’s up with you, but you really are living up to your Funcrusher moniker today. Try not to take everything so seriously.

It’s a silicone penis and it’s exposing the fact they are c@#7$. I’m fine with it.

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Da Real MVP is the independent redistricting commisision.


If he wasn’t redistricted he wouldn’t be retiring.

Pretty long read but I enjoyed it, thoughts on his solution?

I’m not sure how it would ever be possible but he realizes the problem we talk about plenty on here


The Qanon people all worried about child trafficking are going to vote for the child trafficker.


Of course they are. It was never about child trafficking. It was just about owning the libs by tying them to the worst thing they can think of