GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Wood salad tong feet


I suppose many of these “fine people” will remove their masks after marching for facism and return to protesting masks for covid on monday. So brave!


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What’s a snitch tagger?

When you type somebody’s @ it’s easier for them to see than if you just type their name. So now the guy running reason’s twitter is probably saw that.


NSFW (or for those with hypersensitive sensibilities)


NSFW spoiler warning: The second picture also shows a bunch of massive dildos.


And, they’re all holding penises.


Please delete this.

I really hope I don’t have to explain why.

Someone, presumably the OP or whoever hearted the post, care to verify the age of that girl in the photo?

The younger she is, the funnier the photo is.

You would laugh at a 10 year old holding a penis?

What the fuck is more obscene? A 10 year old holding a chunk of penis shaped rubber, or a 10 year old holding a chunk of cold steel designed and machined exclusively to turn a person’s insides into their outsides as efficiently as possible?

Get some fucking perspective.


Where in the fuck does it say I have to pick one or the other?

Also, in case you didn’t notice, the mom is holding an actual dick while sitting right next to her underage daughter.

Congrats on being on the side of the poster that has literally posted rape fantasies on this site.

It’s not an actual dick. And the photoshop neither intends to sexualise the daughter or anyone else in it nor actually gives that impression. It’s a good way of getting across the absurdity of waving around what amount to phallic symbols in a family Christmas photograph.

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Seriously that woman just drove her minivan home from her kids’ soccer practice.

Quote where I defended Rittenhouse.

Would be more worried about the potential underage marriage she’s involved in than any dicks