GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

i’ve been waiting for conservatives to go through a massive internal purge, but it never materializes. qanom turning on itself is probably not going to be satisfying either.


Never gonna happen. Conservatives have no problem trading things among different groups to get what they want. They speak in absolutes, but act in a very transactional way. Rich people get their tax cuts so evangelicals get their abortion bans, etc. Its easier to build a big tent coalition among factions of calculating sociopaths because they will all willingly trade things as long as they get what they personally want.

yeah we probably need more sociopaths, although in my slice of liberal acquaintances (including up) there are more than a few.


I think what we actually need is a society that is not organized to guarantee that sociopaths come out ahead of everyone else.


i mean, rising up is kind of what sociopaths seek, so that’s going to happen by definition.

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The only way is to severely punish them. Alas

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But there isn’t even a jail for them.

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Boomers still at it

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steve scalise got shot. and that one time huckasands couldn’t eat at a restaurant. i personally am going to need see lustrations and major anti corruption legislation to consider the system structurally better against another gop. i don’t see how gunshots would give me satisfaction, maybe i’m not enough of a sociopath.

eta: lustrations that can backfire obviously,

I don’t know man, aren’t you also sick and tired of white Christian males being oppressed in America. When will it end!

I’d be satisfied with defenestrations.

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It’s pretty clear what Cawthorn is implying here and… I can divulge that the rumours are true. I have spoken to high-level government sources who have confirmed that we are planning a ground invasion of the United States.


I think the reason that conservatives have to walk away so quickly is that they might otherwise learn that the 1996 NFA was good policy.

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God damned blacks refusing to get vaccinated, that’s the problem obviously.

Does the Second Amendment prevent people from putting beets on their burgers?

The killers keep coming back to the scene of the crime.


Just had beetroot on a sandwich. It was great.