GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

The fuck is this new title?

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Its what a muppet is, duh

“establishment republicans”

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Censured over anime. You hate to see it


Just wait until they win back the House in the midterms and censure and strip all Democrats of all committee assignments.


They wont do that, but it will happen to most of “the Squad”. Omar censure a day 1 event.

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But really, what is censure other than a sternly worded vote?

Yeah but that’s exactly the point. The Rs won’t give a shit and the Ds will think it’s devastating.

Most congressional work is committee work, and that’s where you get sway to get goodies for your constituents. Getting stripped of committee assignments is a legit punishment.

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Twitter: so that Rep Gosar can learn a lesson, we will allow this tweet to stay up accompanied by a severe warning.

so i’m guessing that this means garrison didn’t die. shame.

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from speaker of the house Gosar

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hahaha. gaets sees 18yo killer and immediately thinks intern.

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I don’t understand how people are this fucked in the head.

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If everything works out, Gaetz can still do his intern fantasy with Rittenhouse when they both go to the same prison.


Speaking of Wisconsin prisons, too bad Jeffrey is dead already. He and Kyle would have made good cellmates.

I agree, it was a dumb who’s on first knockoff bit, imo.