GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Let’s play “guess which way deplorables are being stupid”. I will guess that the deplorables involved here are probably arguing something stupid like “your refusal to burn the books I want burned violates my freeze peach right under HIPAA”. How close am I?

Bad news


Good speech, but gotta disagree with “it’s un-American.”


those sound like problems with specific dealerships, rather than the cars, right?

Vegas is getting another Subaru dealer, up in Centennial Hills, that I understand is not owned by Findlay, so there will be some competition finally. Findlay even owns the St. George location. The maintenance team at Subaru of Las Vegas doesn’t get high marks on the FB groups I am in. I have only dealt with oil changes on my vehicle so far.

My wife asked me what I thought and I searched “Subaru battery” and the first page of results were all dealers in Oregon explaining why your dead battery is actually your fault, which is exactly what her dealer was telling her. Total bullshit, but the dealers are getting their marching orders from Subaru international and fighting with them will be a waste of time. Recommended she just put an upgraded battery in and be done with it, but she (my wife) wanted to fight. She wound up getting booted off the lot, but the dealer was shady af and refused to give her the service records and eventually told her the dealership was sold to new owners and her records were destroyed. I refused to take part in the negotiations and limited my role to letting her know the dealer was FOS and she was wasting her time.

interesting, i had a battery die on me in the crosstrek once. dealership paid for towing it and replacing the battery. what was suspicious since then is that on one of oil change visits they also replaced our mirror with a fancier one, but somehow broke the shifter dial. /shrug

just googled and most relevant thing that came up is this. could be fake news, or not.

Pony may be slow but this is a must watch


Saw this and to me it looks 100% staged. I guess they thought it was a hilarious bit for whoever their audience is?


I ran that through my head a bit too but honestly it just comes down to the fact that these people, Laura and whoever that guy is, are just absolute morons. They’re dumb. He would never ever throw away his career to prank her unless this is a first time dude but like don’t these people just cycle through these shows for years? Not looking him up.

I don’t think he was pranking her. I think they are both in on it and thought it was a hilarious bit and planned it. The giveaway for me is that if she was legitimately confused, he doesn’t drag it out for 2 minutes before explaining You is a Netflix show.

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“must watch”? What an overused annoying description. Like aliens landing on earth or the planes hitting the twin towers is must see. That was certainly not must watch. Amateurish dreck.

From Ben garrison’s website:


I should really stop being surprised at the things a MAGA will pay for, but this one got me.

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Hey is Matt G in jail yet

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Need to know how old is jail before I can speculate.


MMMM, thats good hypocrisy.

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