GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

This puts into words exactly how my town is.

Don’t be so sure. East San Diego county is the same way and it lives within 30 miles of a liberal urban area. That letter succinctly describes everything I see in my neighborhood groups every day.


I see our lovely county board of supervisors meeting has gone viral. Nora Vargas is awesome, btw.

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I’m sure there’s some common ground with that guy that we can build off of.

Maybe he watched squid game too? See, we’re not so different!


So much economic insecurity.


Taught as the truth? You don’t say

Lol Andrew was salivating at linking CRT to the 1619 project.

Hey egghead, using words like “caviling” is why Youngkin won!

Terrible. I can picture that atmosphere in rural areas of the South and maybe parts of central or Northern California but SoCal is supposed to be a paradise of sunshine and tolerance!

I know somebody that lives (or lived) in El Cajon which I always pictured as a bit remote but probably tolerable but I guess that might have been wishful thinking.

If you ever find yourself in dire economic circumstances, remember this one weird trick: buy the whole milk, add water. YW

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I don’t think it’s true that 1619 was “*designed* for use in classrooms”. I also don’t think it’s true that it’s “CRT-based”, probably more accurate to say it’s informed by CRT.

But linking the two is definitely in the playbook, example: Stafford County board votes to denounce teaching of 1619 Project, critical race theory

Still unclear on any specific objection to this curriculum though. Best they can come up with in the article is

“The sad reality of this theory is that it creates a culture of revenge for sins of the past,” said county resident Pat Brown, an opponent of teaching critical race theory.

which is pretty nebulous and weak, but I guess that’s the point.

More of the lowdown on milks.

El Cajon is just another suburb now, and it’s changing. Still pink-ish, but turning purple as more folks from the city move east.

Santee, Lakeside, Ramona, and Alpine are the angry right wing hotspots now.

but he probably watched it dubbed, like an asshole!


Here in Oklahoma that would be Jeno’s. Makes Totinos look like champion pizza.

Never heard of it


Good god…and companies try to make the box art to look as appealing as possible…

It’s basically like if you poured ketchup on saltines and topped with easy cheese.

they clammed on the 1619 project apparent appearance that only black people were abolitionists. after which the times went and edited a couple of sentences. i didn’t look too deep into the objections, i just surmised from brat stvenz’ faix outrage column that the extent of legitimate criticisms started and ended there.

check out how KUSI covered the meeting before and after

KUSI News chose to ignore this man as he was an outlier, and everyone agrees that he was completely in the wrong and should never say what he said.


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There’s probably a dissertation waiting to be written that analyzes and correlates the demise of various AYCE buffet species, especially those once popular in the lower Midwest beginning around 1980, to their implementations and cost structures, with the key finding and major cause of failure being the lack of foresight at the start of the obesity epidemic to realize that people can, in fact, devour quantities food once thought to be physiologically impossible, and can sustain that behavior indefinitely.


If you ever worry about your kid overeating and getting too fat so as to be unhealthy, but don’t want to destroy their psyche - take them to a Golden Corral in Olathe, KS (or you local trash suburb equivalent).

Sort of liking taking a kid who dabbles in hard drugs to skid row - it’s a very sobering place.