GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Is Olathe a trash suburb? I met a dude who lives there and he’s definitely not poor.

Golden Corral is obviously the apex predator of the AYCE restaurant jungle, and I think it’s mostly because, unlike their predecessors and competitors, they correctly figured out that there are absolutely no bounds on the human appetite when it comes to the common Midwestern slob. You need a pricing structure that literally bakes in all of the “food” on premises (my brother’s first job was at GC and they ran out of food often). Shoney’s was doing AYCE for like $5.99. What could possibly go wrong with that in areas that are 70% Trump and 40 BMI?

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This is where we should take a cue from the Roman Empire. They included a vomitorium with their buffets, which they called orgies. They also threw in wine and sex for good measure.

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I saw this segment and thought exactly the same thing. Couldn’t take it seriously after that. Didn’t they also claim that their grocery bill had gone up something like 50% because of inflation over the last year. Lol CNN and their stupid in the real world segments.

Also I’ve never had Papa Johns or Little Ceasers. I have had Chuck-e-Cheese.

The stupid milk segment is just an especially blatant example of the media running with absolutely anything Republicans are complaining about, no matter how unsupported by reality.

The morning shows broadcast their shows from the border in response to an entirely fabricated BORDER CRISIS, they’re stupid or in on it, probably both, waaf

That is actually an urban myth. Vomitoria were additional exits for large buildings like amphitheatres.

My village pub used to have what you are describing in the men‘s room, but since their renovation they have become more upscale and got rid of it. the concept is so German that even the Wikipedia article about it in English uses the German term:


They flew a reporter out to Texas to interview the milk couple, didn’t bother checking to see if the prices were correct or representative, and ran with it. Just blatantly pushing a narrative of suffering white Boomers.

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A buddy of mine and I kicked around an idea for an All You Can Eat restaurant called TARP, where there are tarps everywhere for easier cleanup. Diners would get weighed when they enter and when they leave. The flat AYCE fee amount would be paid for anyone under a “normal” AYCE weight difference like three pounds or whatever. Those that truly extend themselves and gain a lot of weight would pay less - it’s kind of like one of those food challenges where you eat 5 pounds of poutine and the meal is free - hence the need for tarps.

I know, none of you would go there, but certain sections of America would love it.


Yep. Really just lazy, stupid reporting. Trying to make a story where there is none. I think the good news is that people are calling it out today, whereas years ago, nobody would have blinked.

"I aint got time to hear no ching chonging when im watching people die for my enjoyment. "

Saw Tim Pool give the stupidest of all Squid Game theories yet. You see, its a critique of COMMUNISM, not capitalism.

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Grocery prices have definitely gone up in general and there have certainly been supply issues with certain things, but the problem with reporting like this and all the rhetoric is that it’s all “look what the Biden Administration has done,” when it really has nothing to do with Biden.

And yes, using a family that buys 12 gallons of milk per week without a proper handle on what prices have been was ridiculous.

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I’ve said this before, but it completely baffles me that bulimia is not more prevalent in the US. People make themselves miserable for their entire lives, constantly switching from one hopeless diet to another, spending endless hours trudging away at the gym and we are all still stuffed full of fat and self-hate. You could easily eat all you want then stick your finger in your throat and move on with your life. We invented Altoids for a reason people.

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IDK about that but it has been about 30 years since I had one of my patented Rax chocolate pudding burritos and that sounds good right now.

It’s a donut suburb that has new subdivisions surrounding a trashy core town. Much like Blue Springs where I grew up.

My buddy and I had an idea for a buffet where literally everything is beer-battered.

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This needs further explanation

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Does it though

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the US House of Representatives

makes sense when I say it out loud


look at the bright side of the infrastructure bill

they mad

non stop they mad comments on twitter, not as glorious as when trump lost but they mad

pelosi dictatorship!

some of them are calling the bill socialist, when the socialists voted against it not gonna bother with that can of brain worms

is there a more perfect tweet than this

just like all the GOP takes, aged great

instead of whipping the count so it fails we’re gonna act like jerks on twitter take that democrats

you mad

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