GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

If there is one thing I learned from 2+2 it is that 12 gallons of milk a week is about the minimum for adequate health. I’ guessing your son can’t even deadlift 400.


Turns out that food prices have been in decline for 6000 years and that is the root of all the evil in the world, news at 11.

Was hard to keep track exactly, but it sounds like they have 9 kids at home (2 biological + adopted/foster). So I’m sure it adds up. But LOL at CNN profiling a family of 11 to highlight “what living in America today” is like.

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Now do health care


$2.79 is a great price for a gallon of milk.

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1,648 calories in a gallon, pretty big bang for $2.79 bucks.

Also housing and college


I see some of you don’t know the healing properties of daily milk baths.


I used to go to an AA meeting that served dinner. Responsibility for dinner rotated among a group of guys, a few of them took it super seriously and cooked up some serious gourmet shit. Some of them would get lazy and just get pizza. And one of them would be SUPER lazy and get Little Ceasar’s. But he didn’t have a car so I picked it up for him a couple of times. The Little Ceasar’s he ordered from was literally in a Kmart (I used to think it was the Last Kmart in the World but I think there are still a few left). Anyway I didn’t eat it, but from the looks of it, frozen pizza would have been superior,

WTF?.I just scrolled through 300 messages of shitty pizza takes and nobody mentions Costco?. Costco pizza is the world champion for cheap pies. It’s our go to if we don’t want to blow off the $25 for a great pie from one of our local places.


I’m a big fan of the automatic warming cabinets Little Caesars puts your pizzas in if you order online. It’s kind of fun to go to the store, enter your code, and watch the cabinet open up so you can retrieve your meal. It’s like the Jetsons.


My local Target is advertising milk for $1.99/gal ALERT THE MEDIA


(whole milk $2.99 but that stuff’ll kill ya)

Maybe so but ice cold whole milk is worth dying for.

Also, back before America was RUINED by a bunch of PUSSIES everyone drank whole milk.


I was pretty bummed when my KMart with a Little Caesars closed. It wasn’t the closest LC, but they have tables and a soda fountain so it was worth the trip.

I love me some costco but their pizza sucks

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Vast majority of my pizza consumption is from Costco.

It’s at least on par with the rest of the shitty pizza listed here, and I’d argue better. I’d take a 7 pound costco pie over little caesers, dominos, or the hut. Especially for $10.

Wait, you’re not doing some fancy shmancy high falootin’ pizza recipe from Kenji or something?

Nah. If I make pizza, it’s usually the NY-style crust recipe I got here. Also, Kenji’s pizza recipes aren’t all that fancy. But most of my pizza consumption is a take home slice from Costco on the way home from grocery shopping.