GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

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I haven’t had pizza in well over a year. I would totally eat a shitty grocery store frozen pizza if one magically appeared before me rn. You bastards.

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I’m still shocked at people defending Totinos pizza. Totinos party pizza just absolute worst. But at the same time Totinos pizza rolls is some solid drunk food.

Have you had the even cheaper generic grocery store version of Totino’s pizza?

There is even cheaper than Totino’s party pizza?

I’ve had generic cheap grocery store pizza, which is not good. But I still have above Totinos party pizza. But there is generic Totinos party pizza. Good god. Is that just cardboard?

I can’t imagine eating a slice of pizza that hasn’t been tampered with or spent time on a floor and thinking it’s bad or gross. It’s pizza.

I’ve had pizza with corn and broccoli on it. Isn’t amazing or anything but it still got positive reviews from my taste buds.

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No one ever lost money overestimating the amount of high fructose corn syrup that Americans want in their food.


Oh the number is much higher than 30%. Because that figure probably doesn’t capture many of the people that overwhelmingly support the police to inflict the violence “legally” against minorities and the left.

Here’s a fun text I got earlier this week:

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Mandel immediately one ups him.

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Little Caesars has actually stepped up their game in the laat 5 years and makes a pretty tasty pie for the price now


There is gay porn at the library?

And I wasnt alerted?

For shame


We get these at Trader Joe’s. I guess technically not a pizza(?) but pretty tasty.

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I think Little Ceasar’s Pizza is outstanding, but I refuse to eat there as I think their marketing is a disgraceful peversion of history.


They are great for your hungry guys.


This meme is actually very good. It combines high levels of misinformation while tapping into a deep existential resentment. Plus it’s funny.

TPM published a reader’s letter from rural Virginia this morning that I think is important and reflects a lot of the fears of creeping fascism we talk about:

I live in Madison County in Central Virginia, about 80 miles southwest of DC. Charlottesville and Albemarle County excepted, this is industrial-strength Trump country. … Yesterday’s election unsettled me, a lot. Despite decisive wins across the board a palpable, consuming rage drives Republican energy here, a rage that mere victory will not sate.

There’s a savagery in the opposition to President Biden and to the Democratic Party and its voters that seems to bubble up from a deeper well. I’d describe it as men’s rights anger, a desire for a type of conservative male dominance over all aspects of society, government, and culture, rooted in a specific strain of white evangelical arrogance. … It’s Trumpism distilled to 150 proof, what with its celebration and gaslighting of January 6th, barely concealed threats of violence, and constant invocations of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “1776 moment.”

Basically, it boils down to the idea that white conservative men can do whatever, whenever, and to whomever they want without consequences as just compensation for the world stolen from them by the effete, barely human Democrat Party-liberal-Marxist-communists, all of whom must be jailed and tried for treason (they’re deadly serious about this). It’s much more than “toxic masculinity,” it’s fascism. And it’s here openly and unabashedly.

I don’t know where this is headed, but it’s nowhere good. And it scares the shit out of me.


Dude their thin crust mostest bestest or whatever is really good when hot. I’d choose that over anything Papa Johns or Pizza Hut has to offer

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My son drinks what I consider an obscene amount of milk and he’s going through 2 gallons a week. 12 gallons/week for a family seems insane unless these people are quiverful wackos.

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I tell myself it won’t get THAT bad. That’ll it’ll just be super fucked up GOP dominance of national politics and I’ll be ok in CA, and I’ll be able to do what I can for people its not ok for. But yeah I don’t know if it will. They have the police force, and aren’t afraid to put federal cops in blue states either.


oh and of course, milk inflation is mostly an imaginary cartoon boogeyman

amazing fact checking work there, CNN