GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


Are you talking about Huma Abedin’s forthcoming book which apparently accuses an unnamed senator of forcing his tongue down her throat at some point in her 20s? (So 1996-2006)

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Yeah, that must be it. Thanks guys.


From wireless’ Guardian link:

Abedin writes that she kept away from the senator “for a few days” but then ran into him on Capitol Hill, nodding when he asked if they were still friends. Clinton then joined them, Abedin writes, “as if she knew I needed rescuing even though I’d told her nothing about that night”.

Hill’s probably familiar with these kinds of scenes.

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I hate myself, so I decided to check up on the Villages. What’s in the news down there?

To the Editor:

You have a very tiny memory chip don’t you? Let’s go from today.
We have a #1 class idiot in the White House. I would rather have a man that tweets than a idiot with a pen. Obama wasn’t even a citizen and never went into the military so the same with Clinton.
Well, maybe President Trump did not serve in the military, however he supported our military and gave them what they needed. Gas was lower, I can go on and on. Benghazi, the last days of Afghanistan. Short memory huh? And, the Dems bring so much class. Too bad it’s all low. Hey, where is Hunter?

Roy Schwartz
Village of Summerhill


700,000 dead from covid and all this guy wants to do is talk about four people dying a decade ago in a city he couldn’t come within 500 miles of on a map.


Have we ever considered the possibility that maybe the CIA was doing stuff they shouldn’t have been doing in Benghazi and they kind of deserved it?

Clicking the story links to a favicon. Is Hillary Clinton the US senator that did the assaulting, or was it a different US Senator. Terrible headline.

Edit: I see it was answered.

This is why satire is dead. If you told me one of the top comedy writers in the world wrote this, I would believe you.


Moderate republican party these days would be about as popular as a jazz/reggea fusion band.

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they would deflect whoever hates trump but doesn’t actually like dems votes but did if anything. People who voted trump aren’t voting for those two. Enough in the last election to flip at least the 2 closest states so hope not.

sure but maybe you can get him to support free housing since hillary still lives rent free in his head

This is where our legal system sucks. Whats the worst that can happen? A 6 month jail term and a fine 5% of whatever she ended up profiting?

Make the penalty hurt. A seizure of ever penny of profit made from the illegaly disclosed deal + a 50% fine. Any time money is made off an illegal venture, every cent should be returned to the coffers and given back to the american people.


They should just give them real jail time and that would be that. Even if you take their material wealth away they can use their connections to get their lifestyle back. But they genuinely would fear being treated like, say, a black person.


True but you should still take their money. Real jail and take their money.

Yeah that’s fine. I just think that only taking their money won’t work because they can always get more money. But they will never, ever recover from being treated they way they treat other people.

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they care about money more, take the money

Than going to prison? Not this bullshit white collar prison. Just send them to real prison. They will fucking wish you took their money.


Yeah, it’s this. They definitely don’t care more about the money than being told what to do. There’s always more money, but disrespect is forever.

I think it’s more than the disrespect. Having to live in prison conditions is a pretty big stick.

Merrick Garland as AG is going to go down as one of the most consequential missteps in history. The dude is a disgrace.