GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


Extra funny to me since Chandler is the next town over:

I’m confused by the applause at the end though. She doesn’t really get any when she says “it’s the jews” but after stepping down says “Oh, and if you want to call me a [something], go ahead” and then a bunch of people clap. So maybe they’re clapping because they’re agreeing she’s a lunatic or something. Sounds like “eviator” or maybe “something-hater”?

Chandler used to be such a sleepy little place. I’m curious what that lady’s actual background is.

Total insanity, she has prophetic visions!

Was expecting something more along the lines of talking to animals.

What the fuck did I just read?

And then I heard a strong, clear voice, I know God’s voice say…

“Now you know how I feel”

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Lol, their god is so fucking petty. No wonder these people are insane.


Today I learned God is a Karen who empathizes with angry, entitled white women.


I mean, that’s certainly what they perceive God to be.

But she also heard God say “I have just about had it with them” which actually seems like a pretty reasonable reaction to recent historical events.

The “them” that would be a reasonable reaction

The “them” she believes God is talking to her about:


Kinzinger will not seek reelection. Probably as much to do with redistricting a couple weeks ago as his anti Trump advocacy.

I lol’ed


State Rep resigns. Also “resigns” LDS Church job. Provided no info on his claimed attacks on his family. Paraphrasing that dude from Three Days of the Condor, I suspect he had become an embarrassment.

Was all-in on Trump’s lies, CRT, and was working on a vaccine law he wouldn’t say much about.

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The lesson is that attacking people’s wives works and we should do it more.


Probably an excuse. The church doesn’t like controversy and is officially pro-vaccine.

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Is it too farfetched to believe Kinzinger and someone like Liz Cheney form a third party/independent Presidential ticket for 2024? Its pretty clear that the lunatic fringe is the mainstream now in the GOP so there’s no need for either of them to stay within the confines of the party. Plus they guarantee themselves a place on the general election ballot and could be helpful in deflecting votes away from Trump. You heard it here first.

There aren’t enough voters to support a moderate Republican offshoot. The whole party has gone full Trumpy thanks to Fox News and Facebook.

Right. That’s why I think they leave the party and run against Trump hoping to play some type of spoiler role.

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Earlier I heard a rumor that an aide/staffer was accusing an unnamed senator of inappropriately kissing her. I think it was on NPR’s 1A domestic newsroundup. Was half-asleep so not sure. Any more details on this available somewhere?