GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Ya that video is chilling. If you aren’t making at least a back up plan to leave the country right now in case things go totally sideways you are making a big mistake imo.


Kind of amazing the amount of war can never be envisioned to change only to transmorph into war against American citizens. Like has anyone even kind of in the area of the left ever said anything about putting anyone from America in Guantanamo? But Tucker can imagine it because he’s imagined putting lots of people in Guantanamo



You’ll be surprised to learn that Burr is a tad unethical:

holy shit

I’ve pretty much resigned myself to living out my life out into whatever fascist right wing shithole this country devolves into. Like maybe I go out in some blaze of glory or sneak across the border in the middle of the night (irony much?) but yeah, I can totally see how a bunch of Germans would have just shrugged and said “well this sucks but I can’t do anything about it and I don’t want to get shot in the face soo…”

I would have thought the billionaire ruling class may have been enough to keep this country in order but I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed. They’ll just bail the fuck out when this monster they’ve created grows beyond their control.

I do worry about my kids a bit. I want to make sure they have a chance to live out their best lives and it may not be here. I’m not sure how much time we will have. The 2022 and 2024 elections will tell us a lot about the future of democracy and the direction this country is headed in.


this. at least renew your passport/card, before trmp 2.0 state dept starts refusing travel privileges to blue state voters.


eh, if anything he’d want them to leave at least at first

but more like it’s slower than all hell because that dept got gutted

I agree with you, renew/get one now before the masses figure it out

you might feel differently when a mass exodus starts. german society radicalized even more as the reasonable people sought a way out.

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If there really is a mass exodus of people like us leaving the US then yeah, I’m sure I’ll be part of that.

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I mean 99% of people don’t see this coming. It’ll be like 10 years before people wake up to what’s happening

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the authoritarian playbook is usually not about waiting for undesirables to leave, but rather rattle the dissenters, start closing emigration routes, and precipitate a rush towards the exists. modern examples are putin’s russia, taliban’s afghanistan (both in the 90s and 2021), belarus. historically, i would probably guess similar mass migration waves from the revolution in iran, soviet east germany, hitler’s germany.

as we’ve seen with stephen miller, intentionally slowing down the state department is the same as stopping immigration or preventing travel. in some ways it’s more effective, because it can be done under the radar of congress and the press, yet can start affecting people immediately.

As near as I can tell there are passport delays right now under Biden even (I only have anecdotal evidence of this). Trump severely slowing or halting passport apps until they figure out what the hell is going on is definitely possible.

i’m renewing passport right now. when i submitted, expedited wait was 12 weeks. now, it says expected wait for my application is 10. so i think they are getting a little faster, although it’s hard to say why.

My favorite part of the Burr story is his brother-in-law had to call his stockbroker! OK Boomer.

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Just fax me the trade orders and I will mail you a copy of the stock certificate.


Yep. That’s because many people’s world view doesn’t extend past their own street.

Wife just got it. Took about 4 months.

did she expedite? what was the estimate when she submitted?