GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I don’t think Biden was ever going to nominate someone who wasn’t similarly lawbro-y.

I’m having a hard time coming up with a Dem who would be worse.

did mcconnell have a point blocking garland from the bench?

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Turtle made a mistake if bench Garland would have been anywhere close to as disappointing as AG Garland

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The rumored possibilities included Sally Yates, Deval Patrick, Doug Jones, former Labor Secretary and DNC Chair Tom Perez, current HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, and Tony West (currently the chief legal officer for Uber). I can see people here thinking Yates and Becerra would be better, but it’d be hard to convince me about the other names. I think there were some rumblings that Yates might not get confirmed if nominated.

Garland was nominated to calm the nerves of the rank-and-file lawbros in the Justice Department and make them feel that their work would not be politicized. That may not be the best political strategy, but I get why that would be what Biden wants out of his AG.

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Jones would have been a good choice?

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I’m not convinced he would have been much different. I’m not even convinced Yates would be doing anything different.

In this case the devil we don’t know seems better.

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Imprisoned against their will?!?! Oh no. You can only imprison someone if you first ask their permission and make sure they really want to go to jail.


Thanks Biden!


This man agreed to “read” and then sign a waiver to be completely humiliated in 37 seconds.


Grassley: …enough to kill over 2 billion ppl or more than 1/4 of the world’s population

Ok, but how many pidjins is that?


Daenzer replied, according to the transcript, with a suggestion that the Biden bus should “drive defensively and it’ll be great.”

“Or leave the train. There’s an idea,” the dispatcher responded.

See, this kind of thing bugs me. Dispatcher is talking to the cop (Daenzer). Dispatcher suggests the bus leaves the train. But the train is Trump. The Trump train won’t leave the bus alone. So leave the Trump train? Is dispatch confused by trains or does dispatcher really think this is an idea?

Drive offensively because the bus wins any collision. Whether highways or the halls of Congress, it’s nice to know Dems are consistently wimpy.

What would he be humiliated about? Everyone knows that knowing anything about Critical Race Theory makes you a Communist! And Communism is BAD!

There’s an idea! :bulb:

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“so far this fiscal yr” implies FY2022 which only started Oct. 1. I highly doubt they did 10k pounds in one month, so I’m assuming he’s just dumb and actually talking about FY2021. He’s not wrong that there was a dramatic spike in fentanyl seizures in that period. There’s probably a lot of factors going into that, but I also see that the single largest month was October 2020, when Trump was still president. :roll_eyes: