GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Back in the good old days we made our own opiates right here in the USA

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BecAuse you……They made those products 5% better but 5000% more expensive.

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party of fiscal responsibility imo. A lot of printing costs were just reduced.

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Have you been in a coma for 7 years?


Did they hang anyone or start a cross on fire?! Well, then.

It’s by design. Stupid people = stupid voters = GOP supporters.


I mean we’re obviously going backwards and becoming way more racist so this seems normal. We can’t even pass a voting rights bill that’s almost identical to the one passed in the fucking 60’s. Republicans will just get more and more racist.

Texas is more top down for school curriculum than most states.

Well the way Rand argued it, none of that inconsistency in how it’s defined matters at all. Rand says Fauci is contradicting his own definition of it. So, it doesn’t even matter if Fauci’s definition is right or wrong (or what the actual definition happens to be).

The whole point is that this wasn’t a “semantic” “got you”. It was apparently legit contradiction. Unless someone can convince me otherwise, which is what I’m hoping for. But maybe Fauci was wrong on this particular point. As you say, even if Rand is right, there is a long way from that to the point that he eventually wants to get to.

The last time you made this claim you misread a paper thinking the work was done in Wuhan when it was done in North Carolina. Reread that exchange. You admitted you were wrong last time. AFAICT, Paul is making the exact same mistake.

This is obviously true, but the work that was done the last time this was referenced was in North Carolina and the dispute was over whether or not the NIH funded work in Wuhan with GOF studies.

Shocker, Fauci is right and toolbox Rand Paul is wrong. Fauci isn’t claiming that GOF has never been done. It’s that it was never funded by the NIH in Wuhan. Why anyone just casually takes his takes as honest here is beyond me. He’s fucking lying to everyone.

HELP! OhMODobi you’re our only hope.

Doesn’t the Oranges of Covid have its own thread?

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Some spillover is unavoidable. I was confused so I appreciate people filling in some blanks here.

So, I watched the youtube clip again. I have no doubt that Rand is full of shit when it comes to the claims that Fauci et al are responsible for millions of deaths, but what I’m curious about is this particular exchange (I just transcribed the important stuff).

Paul: "You’re saying when you take an animal virus and you increase it’s transmissibility to humans, you’re saying that’s not gain of function:

Fauci: That is correct


Paul: Let’s read from the NIH definition of gain of function. This is your definition that you guys wrote. It says that scientific research that increases the transmissibility among mammals is gain of function. They took animal viruses that only occur in animals and increased their transmissibility to humans. How you can say that is not gain of function…

Fauci: It is not

I can’t understand how this part isn’t Fauci contradicting himself. My best guess is that Paul left something out of the definition he read. There are other possibilities, I suppose. Obviously I would like to believe that Paul is FOS on this very specific subpoint, but I’m having a hard time getting there.

Full version here:


I would like, just once, for a Congressional witness to just say “here’s the answer to your question. Go fuck yourself.”

What happens if somebody did that? I hear there isn’t a jail in the Senate so…?

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Good to know we have law makers who have a comprehensive understanding of our laws.

Maybe she was referring to Hippo feet rights


In the opening statement Paul says in Wuhan. Honestly don’t care enough about Paul’s bullshit to listen any further. Every thing I read today made it seem like the same bs discussed here two months ago.

Fuck around, find out. Rand Paul asking for “criminal referral” for Fauci for lying to Congress.

What I mean to say is LOL, whatever Rand.

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Doesn‘t Texas provide school books for a lot of other states as well so that any change in the TX curriculum will have consequences far beyond its borders?