GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

The reveal about their actual nature was epic.

Lots of Nazi evoking symbolism. Collaborators, etc the whole nine yards. Had a good run until the obligatory hybrid child nonsense.

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Jesus god damn christ inject that into my veins


This version goes on a bit longer.


While we all know anyone willingly associated with Donald Trump is a piece of shit, the track record of people raising and managing the money are the scummiest of them all.


But Paul broke in to say that according to the report he cited, a scientist at the Wuhan lab took an animal virus and increased its transmissibility to humans.
“You’re not saying that’s gain-of-function,” Paul pressed.
“That is correct,” Fauci said.

Uh… yeah. Get him Fauci!

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I haven’t yet gone down the rabbit hole of the gain-of-function conspiracy, but based on the little I know, it seems to essentially be studying viruses in a way where you see how they might become more transmissible, how they might infect new hosts, etc? This seems, like, completely normal and useful. Why is it some conservative “gotcha” that it might have been happening and we might have known about it?

I agree it seems normal and useful, although apparently there’s some debate about the risk/reward and the US government halted funding of it for a few years.

The only “gotcha” is that Fauci insists on lying about it. I originally thought he was claiming that the specific work funded by NIH grants wasn’t GOF, but in this exchange Paul describes research that is, by definition, GOF and Fauci says it isn’t. But we got a cool sound bite of him dunking on Rand so it’s all good.

I asked something similar in the orgins thread and this was the best reply I recieved:

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Yeah, he’s not; there’s considerable disagreement about what kinds of studies should be considered “gain of function” work.

Can someone ELI5 this to me?

When Rand reads that definition (apparently from Fauci himself), it sounds like he is the one whose claim is correct.

I’m hoping I’m just understanding it wrong and one of you will set me straight.

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Even better if there’s an extended cut with Paul spitting up his water.

I have no doubt that Rand Paul is capable of dishonestly using some mundane semantic detail as an attempted gotcha. I don’t understand why this particular hill is one for Conservatives to die on, though I assume it’s some stupid line of thinking that somehow leads to this all being Obama’s fault. That being said, I’m also in the confused-about-the-definition-of-GOF camp.

I also wouldn’t mind if more Congressional witnesses took the “fuck off” approach to GOP questioning.

But Paul has circumvented this entire problem. He asked Fauci if X was done? Fauci said yes. Then he read a quote (I think) from Fauci himself which said X = gain of function.

That is how it sounded to me just hearing the clip once. I haven’t really done a deep dive yet as I figured someone around here is following it closely and can just lay it out for me. Yeah, I’m lazy.

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Yea sorry I wasn’t clear, I meant that as in I agree with you and am similarly confused.

I went down a rabbit hole and it seems that experts argue a lot about what exactly GoF means and what kinds of projects shouldn’t be allowed.