GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

lol holy shit Maddox is still around?? His website was one of the first I stumbled across as a teenager discovering the internet. Actually, that explains a lot…



Ok to be alarmed?

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Can we get a citation for this ‘one-intimidation allowed’ rule? I’m not buying it. Or was it supposed to be a joke? Either way, it’s about to get bad in TX and other states

I often wonder who the people are that donate to him (outside of obviously wealthy people). I hate to stereo type, but the folks at his rallies don’t look the type to be able to afford recurring donations for very long. Also, how has he not pissed off a sizeable chunk of his donors that were scammed by now?

Dude, Boomers have so much money. Like an incomprehensible amount.

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Yeah. IANAL but that doesn’t seem even close to being legal.

Eh, there are plenty of stories about the automatic recurring donations that are super hidden by the Trump team absolutely wrecking the finances of poor people. Daily beast has done a bunch of these stories.

Not a joke, but the framing is perhaps a little hyperbolic.

"The House version goes further, preventing poll watchers from being removed for violating election law unless they’ve already been warned. The Texas branch of the American Civil Liberties Union calls this a “one-time get out of jail free card for voter intimidation.”

The poker scene in TX is lit right now. Seems like a good excuse for a UP meetup around election time.

Already budgeting for mma lessons right now.


They are already allowed to serve as poll watchers in many states. Poll watching is boring, people don’t want to do it.


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Hours of boredom followed by moments of sheer terror? They say the same thing about poker. Lots of people play.

Thought I would check in with my “favorite RWNJ”

Holy shit, they are actually still playing BenghazIIIIIIIIIIIIII


brb imma gonna launch Patriot SCAMPAC.

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In Utah news, we have this. Fyi, Hooper is pronounced “Hupper” (rhymes with supper), I believe. I’m making the assumption that the letter writer is a GOP voter and posting here because there’s no general racist asshat thread afaik.

This is how Suzzer gets us all to fervently track his forum contributions. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Of course there are the most basic spelling errors possible. Written by someone with a 3rd grade reading ability most likely. It’s almost like lack of intelligence and racism go hand in hand.

I can‘t even begin to imagine what „You‘ve brought Chickens other members with your variety of your junk cars“ is supposed to mean.
„Adio‘s“ is just icing on the cake.


They just dont like being able to “here” the chickens, obviously.

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