GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I would so much rather live next to a family of fun Mexicans than a bunch of WASPY fucks or rednecks any day. Having a well manicured lawn is overrated, and chickens are fine as long as there are no roosters.

Yeah. It’s at least partly intentional though. Display contempt for knowledge, fact, and reason so when someone calls you on your bs, you can effortlessly escape with more of the same. Like Trump’s said as much as times. According to Lesley Stahl, “And he said: ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.’”

I realize this response is kind of random. Sorry, just woke up. :sleeping:

Can confirm. Lived next to both at the same time. Huge family of mexican immigrants who didn’t really speak english, they’d come over and drink when we had parties and invite us over when they did cook outs.

Behind us were some redneck pieces of shit, luckily they were methheads so they never called the cops.

that could easily be a neighbor who didn’t get fresh eggs from them and then got triggered by tucker carlson. unfortunately entitled asshole is one trait that manifests in the entire spectrum of humankind.

substitute chickens coops for coups in there, and it’s trmp statement about milley.

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awful person you know just makes two good points, then totally yada-yadas the third. yes trmp is too stupid too be a fascist, yet his administration was packed with them.

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Bolton shouldn’t be on TV unless they’re going to grill him on his bad beliefs or use British-style scathing questions like “Do you think your personal history as an architect of disastrous oversees coups qualifies you to comment on domestic coups?”



Fun fact:


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One of the reasons why Trump’s rallies attracted so many was because they were free. Let’s see how he does if people have to pay.


Well you see, the whole section on the left is sold out!



savage Ted is best Ted

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Lmao get rekt


Tucker knows people with HIV are one of the cares where they can be required to reveal their medical condition? Or is he just extra dumb?

Oh yeah did nobody tell bill trump supporters like to see him when it’s free but BYOB? (Bring your own bus)


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Wooo CA, lol surprised they even got kicked out of riverside. That’s pretty sad.

I like the next headline down:

Trump Wants Mark Milley Court Martialed Over Coup Comments