GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Sounds like Tucker needs some therapy.

I’m not violent. At all. But Tucker needs the shit beat out of him.


Mrs. Ferguson. She was very nice. I think it was her first year teaching. Her husband was in the service and off somewhere exotic, maybe Hawaii. She walked us all over to her house one day. I bet that never happens anymore.

If students I tutored want to blame me for a bad explanation of the work-kinetic energy theorem or whatever, that’s one thing. You didn’t get your shit politics from me.

my first grade teacher got pregnant and left on maternity one month in. all the parents were mega salty, though i only years later appreciated just how much. she was replaced by a teacher who had to delay retirement by two years. she was old school but i think everyone liked her

One of my only teacher memories before 5th grade is 1st grade. Was my first legitimate crush. Just can’t remember her name :slight_smile:

My first grade teacher was Mrs. Alsop. I had problems with “practices self control” and had to go home every day with a note bearing happy face, frowny face, or medium face - depending on how well I behaved in class that day. I never realized until now but clearly all my problems are Mrs. Alsop’s fault.

I also had some kind of counselor person pick me up on Saturdays and take me to a room where I could play with clay, play battleship against her, finger-paint, and a bunch of other activities. She would also take me to McDonalds sometimes. The only thing that annoyed me was she came in the middle of Lost in Space.

I have no idea what that was all about. I should ask my mom.


I clearly remember all of my teachers going back to when I was 3-4 years old, but my long term memory is abnormally good. Remembering his teacher isn’t wholly unbelievable, but blaming her for him being an absolute dumpster fire of a human is insane. He’s such a pathetic piece of shit.


A lot of modern asshole behavior seems to stem from knowing the worst that will happen is someone will get really mad at them, some serious beatings need to be distributed to get them back in line.

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This doesn’t work with dogs or deplorables unfortunately. It will cow them for a while but they will eventually snap and bite a child’s face off or shoot up a school.

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I think you all fail to notice how lol-worthy this „my private school hired an incompetent teacher and this market failure turned me into a conservative“-story is even if you believe it.


Okay, but once you’re in first grade, your political identity is kinda formed and its hard to go back.


My first grade teacher tried to force me to share my Fruit Roll Up with some poor kid and I’ve been a libertarian ever since that. MAYBE JIMMY’S LAZY PARENTS SHOULD GET A JOB HOW BOUT DAT.


My third grade teacher gave us birthday spankings and my life has been non-stop BDSM ever since.


My first grade teacher was sweet and would give all the special needs kids hugs. Which we thought at the time was weird and gross because kids are the absolute fucking worst.

Her husband also ran the local honey farm. So we saw Mrs Ash at school and Mr Ash honey at home. Small towns ftw.

She tought me capital letters, and thats an important part of any political ideology.


Very True! All our Great Patriots know that CAPITAL is Very Important! You won’t hear This from the lying Mainstream MEDIA!


I don’t remember any teachers before about 3rd grade but my 7th grade math teacher was a stone cold genius and the best teacher I ever had. On the first day of school he bragged he was so good at math he would never make a mistake and if anybody caught him making a mistake the whole class would get ice cream.

With about 2 weeks left in the year, he finally screwed something up and we got our ice cream.

It was literally decades later I realized this was all a ploy and for the price of $5 of crappy cafeteria ice cream he got a whole class of 12 year olds to pay close attention for the entire year.



Nice. 2nd grade the teacher had a race the teacher in math for a dollar. I never beat her, but I did meet the time goals to win a nickel, a dime, and a quarter.

Then going to a small town school I learned next to nothing from 6-8th grade. The teachers would give me some basic algebra stuff as extra credit but I couldn’t take actual algebra until 9th grade. Imagine my surprise when I got to college and several folks already a year or more of calculus while I had none.

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Ron Deshitbag can totes distinguish between these Cuban protesters blocking roads in Florida today and black protesters blocking roads last year

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DeSantis is another guy who just desperately needs an ass beating.