GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

This actually made me LOL. Well done.

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Lindsey’s welcome to the gnats infesting my houseplants.

I think it’s a mistake to frame it as Rs are somehow terrified of him when in reality, the situation is that GQP politicians are merely being opportunistic and using him and his base to overthrow democracy once and for all by wresting control via fascism

Right. I’m not saying that recent events don’t put us in a perilous spot. I’m just saying that Trump is hated by more people than love him by a large margin. I personally work with many former Republicans and Rinos.

@Riverman is pretty talented at research and digging up stats. I’d be very interested in how much the Republican party has shrunk. I understand that the Democratic party may have shrunk as well, but I don’t think Independents lean towards Trump either, do they? Maybe he’d be nice enough to post or point me to where I can find reliable data. My guess is that the Republican party is considerably smaller than the Democratic party with the Trump faction being smaller still. They seem much larger than they are because of all the bloviated noise Trump makes and the 24/7 coverage the MSM insists on giving him to prop up their ratings. Let’s not forget that while Trump got a scary number of votes, he also caused record turnout against him

So imo, the trick is to not become complacent or let that passion wane. End the filibuster and pass the for the people act and VOTE like your liberty depends on it because it quite literally does!

The point is that Trump drives a massive increase in turnout that dwarfs the impact of people leaving the GOP in disgust.

Yes, people hate him. But he gets seemingly every single ignorant racist piece of shit in the entire country to show up and vote. Literally nobody else can do that, certainly not Ron DeSantis. As noted, the down ballot effect of this is massive.


Jfc. He had an affair with you. Wasn’t that the first fucking clue his whole morality is fake?

Thanks for coming forward. Sort of. I had to stop reading but sounds like her Kavanaugh claim got swept under the rug and she could have gone public on her own.

You get no other thank yous from me. Now spend the rest of your life trying to truly atone for the chaos and evil you helped let loose.


I am not up on politics the way most of you are. If Trump is such a powerhouse, can someone please explain to me why they lost the house, the senate, AND the presidency under his reign? They lost GEORGIA! And I believe Arizona is now blue’ish

Trump may be a powerhouse but he was going against FDR reincarnated. A super duper powerhouse named Joe Biden.


trmp is a turnout machine for both sides every time, but he’s terrible at anything requiring discipline or planing. he only wants to hear sycophants. that alone makes him even money at best, structural advantage or not. on top of it he sucks at spending money, splashing all the grifters and robbing his donors dry. i guess i would encourage dems to run against him, instead of running on bipartisanship, but there’s probably district data that shows either approach as “correct”. i think there’s no way trmp doesn’t get the dubious honor of losing popular vote three times and electoral college twice, like his record impeachments.

i don’t think republicans steal the election unless it’s close enough, something closer to florida 00 than georgia ‘20. it would look incredibly weak mandate to the world and uwe might have to see if a house race gets flipped by a legislature in ‘22 where vote difference is over 1000. that’s considerably harder to do, and i fully expect a terrible 6-3 decision in the future on this. but it’s not going to happen in a statewide ballot. it’s just 1000-1 odds it would be that close, and i would be calm as a cucumber with a lot shorter bets than that.


Dems already had the house and republicans won a lot of seats, Dems only have like a 5 seat lead now.

They mostly lost the Senate because Stacy Abraham’s GOAT and Mitch completely fucked up and refused to send out super popular covid checks and Dems promised to send out a text 2k checks if they won. They ended up sending out 1400

That plus the whole narrative of it being rigged probably made some deplorables stay home.

Trump really only lost the electoral college by 40k votes. These new laws would have prevented that, probably 10 fold.

Also would have given republicans house and Senate.

Run 2020 back with these new laws and we have a republican trifecta with trump in charge.

That’s not even mentioning redistricting which is going to give republicans like 7 more seats last I saw. So yeah Dems fucked.

There’s you problem. You think he lost Arizona and Georgia. :face_vomiting:


lol imagine saying you became a conservative in 1st grade. But I’m sure his rich as fuck sociopathic parents imprinted on him from day one the priority number one in life is maintaining your privileged. Reminds me of his quote of growing in basically a castle and learning to not rile up the peasants at a young age.

“She did such a bad job teaching me that my parents hired a tutor.”

“Yeah, motherfucker…ME.”


Empirically, I agree these rules would have given Rs an electoral college landslide in 2020 because of the mail in ballot restrictions in a near peak COVID environment.

But not sure it’s that dire going forward?

I might agree with you if Trump didn’t gain 10 million new voters in 2020.

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#DeathSantis is trending. I decided to see what he did and it is everything he has done and continues to do. Apparently Floridians use it as a catch all tag for him.

I have like zero memory of my first grade teacher.

What a bunch of BS

You might if she was a literal nazi