GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Democrats take the L again

I don’t know, his rallies were already a rambling old man repeating himself for an hour so unless he gets far enough along that he loses his ability to talk I can see him standing on a stage repeating the same simple questions for an hour while throngs of morons cheer every time.

Look at the recent NM special election for some numbers re: Trump and turnout.

in 2018, the Republican in NM-1 got 36% of the vote.

in 2020, The Republican got 42% of the vote.

in the recent special, the Republican got 36% of the vote.

Trump is a turnout machine, and when he’s not on the ballot, it makes a difference. We do NOT want him to run in 2024. Conversely, I think 2022 isn’t going to be as terrible as we think.


I’m not sure if Trump is more or less likely to get a higher % of Presidential votes than a blah R candidate but he is a God to other Rs downballot who outperform him by getting all the Trump votes plus a nice sliver of the relatively moderate votes for being “more reasonable.”

Just this.

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That’s before the right had the most powerful propaganda machine in world history behind it. I’m less hopeful now that anything like that is possible.

Maybe if we hit another great depression while republicans control everything and steal elections. We need a national work strike if they did that. Just the libs doing it would tank the economy. Don’t think most libs would be down though

I think with fair elections and actual progressive Dems then the general popular support for bigger government would overcome even contemporary fascist propaganda. The eDems are blocking both of those things though because they are too committed to their own self images. They are Neville Chamberlain and they can’t see it.

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Chamberlain gets a bad rap.

In an uncertain and probabilistic world, any strategy to negotiate and try and prevent a global war is plus EV on pretty much any measure.

Chamberlain being a weak loser is results oriented thinking.

Just saying. Also. Dems do suck tho.


Oh god, my face!

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When you negotiate with fascists and lose, you own that. Even if its results oriented.

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TN GOP now pro mumps measles polio etc

Jfc. We need a purge.

This really is the stupidest timeline.

See, you keep telling me Ohio is worse than The South and then this happens.

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I mean, a purge of sorts is going to be the direct result of this.

In this case unfortunately, the sins of the fathers really will be visited upon the sons. :pensive:

If we hit another Great Depression, partisanship will be the last thing you’re worried about.

The bubble is so much bigger.

I truly think the economy is great depression proof now. Whenever terrible stuff happens, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Outside of scifi type shit, the rich always win and will always find a way to win.

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