GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Did they actually arrest anyone?

I’m pretty sure Trump could just change his state residency by verbally shouting it out like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy and this would hold up.


not sure.

Right, any time you type the word “can’t,” play the tape forward. If you can’t credibly answer the question “who will stop it,” it can indeed happen.


Remember when we thought Texas was going blue? Hahahahha

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I get that his idiotic base would still vote for him to run the country even it were from prison (not that I think he’ll necessarily be in jail by 2024), but I think you underestimate how disliked the man is by everyone who’s not indoctrinated into his cult. He never cracked a 50% favorability and lost to Joe Fucking Biden for crying out loud. This was before Jan 6., before his company got indicted, and before whatever other civil and criminal charges he’ll likely to face before next election

I concede the Dems are dumb enough to fly in the face of populism yet again and nominate a candidate that will alienate the real left wing and make it another nail biter. But I still don’t think Trump stands a chance

You’re just plain wrong here, he is a unicorn in turning out stupid racists, the deck is stacked against Dems with a 4+ point electoral college disadvantage and they’re more likely to try the most insane shit imaginable with him on the ticket.

BuT WhErE WiLl ThEy PuT ThEm???

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The new laws are scary and I haven’t been following just how bad they are (who was the last Republican president to win the popular vote?). The electoral college alone fucks voters and if they get away what they’re trying to do in AZ. all over the country, I agree it’s grim and not a choice between two political parties any more. There’s one political party and then a group of people trying to violently overthrow democracy. It’s why I think Dems need to completely overwhelm the system starting in 2022

See, the Rs are very much in a “if life gives you lemons make lemonade” mindset on this stuff. Dems think “No jails? Oh well, gotta let 'em go.” Republicans think “No jails? Oh well, public executions it is then.”


I’m more worried about 2022. That will likely be the most important election in the country’s history imo

The fact that you, a way above average person at paying attention, isn’t aware of the magnitude of the threat, is very bad news. They’re openly plotting to steal the election regardless of the vote count. There is no mechanism in place to stop it.


I mean, I don’t think his chances are zero, but c’mon… People (and the fucking MSM!) need to stop giving this clown oxygen and let him fade into the darker annals of history already. If he does stay relevant, it’s because reporters are still hanging onto his every word, which gives him a credibility he simply doesn’t deserve by any objective standard

There is now a fascist sect in this country that is trying everything possible to overthrow democracy. Yes, it’s dangerous and yes, they are a threat to do a lot (more) damage. But they are still a small minority. All I can say to anyone who will listen, is VOTE in 2022. Our singular focus should be to shatter turnout records. It has never been more important

He stays relevant because he has enough R voters in his pocket, regardless of what the mainstream media does, to leave establishment Rs terrified of crossing him. And upstart R politicians can still have their careers made just by getting on his good side. Add in Rs having significantly disproportionate power compared to their voting blocs, plus the ability to rig the rules for even more advantage, and ignore Trump at your own peril.

They’re a “small minority”? They’re a large majority of the Republican Party. So much so, that anyone within the party who tries to stand up to the lies is instantly ex-communicated.

I mean IANAD but Trump’s dementia seems pretty far along at this point. I’m not sure how long people can go before they’re completely incapacitated from it but it seems fairly likely he will be by 2024 so I’m not particularly worried about him being on the ticket. However as everyone has pointed out ad nauseam they’re going to steal the election no matter who’s at the top of the ticket if they have the power to do so, which they will since who’s gonna stop them?

This kind of thing is poorly defined so arguments for and against are possible. The upcoming elections are going to be very important because the outcome will guide how the US handles the collapse of the American empire. A Republican directed collapse will be very bad, possibly on the level of the Holocaust, and with long term global impacts on existential risks. Thats pretty bad!

There have been other intensely risky points in US history though. Think of the 1930s - coming out of the Great Depression, in a country with a fair amount of support for Nazi Germany and its own system of segregation, they still made an electoral decision for the New Deal. There was probably a very real chance that the US could have rallied behind a charismatic fascist type back then and the entire 20th century might have been dominated by a global Nazi regime. Thank God Facebook didn’t exist in 1932.


Two words.



I believe you forgot “Saint” there.