GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Without doing any research about Florida election/residency law I think you’re right that DeSantis probably can’t change residency while Governor, and Trump wouldn’t want to be seen as backing down. Which probably means that if Trump ultimately wants DeSantis he just nominates him and just goes full Trump DGAF mode towards the legal challenges.


“There’s no politically correct way to sack a quarterback,” Bequette, who amassed zero regular season sacks or tackles in the NFL.


“Some will say that a young football-playing Army veteran isn’t qualified to stop them, or maybe they’ll say, it’s not my turn,” he said. “But here’s what I say: Just see if you can block me.”

Hot take alert:

After announcing his campaign Monday, Bequette went on the cable channel to additionally opine that Olympic athletes who do not stand for the national anthem “shouldn’t be a part of the team.”

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Can’t believe people are even postulating a Trump 2024 run. Did I miss something? God I hope he’s their nominee

This is just crazy in light of history. If he runs he has a very good chance of winning. His winning will be catastrophic to the world. That’s not hyperbole. Catastrophic as in climate change or nuclear war levels.

He’s the favorite with the new voting laws in place. He crushes 2020 with the new laws in place. They will only get worse after dems lose the house.

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Is it “things Hillary Clinton said in 2016?”


China will then assume our WW1/WW2 position as the good guys and TCOB.

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Not sure where to put this, but what’s the deplorable chant if we start getting massive amounts of Cuban refugees hitting the shores of Florida? Build that seawall? Or is this different? There are a lot of Trumpy Cuban immigrants I think.

Cuban immigrants love Trump, they’re perfect Republicans. They got theirs, fuck everyone else.


Meh,I sort of doubt the Cuban refugees leaving in 2021 are gonna be as pro-Republican as the ones fleeing the revolution.

From what Ive seen, there’s a generational divide. Younger Cubans are way better than old Cubans.

I guess I’m wondering how rank and file deplorables would feel about an influx of Cuban refugees. Let them in since they’re oppressed from socialism? Or send them back because that’s what we do with people who want to come here uninvited?

Edit: lol the system keeps outsmarting me by downloading a local copy of the image, which can’t be displayed right now

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Great job yahoo news

In lieu of attending session, the Texas Democratic lawmakers flew to Washington, D.C. in private jets

All the deplorables I know hate south Florida because it is full of Latin Americans and no one speaks English.

Chris Hayes said it a long time ago. These people aren’t going to stop until they win, die or get thrown in jail.

Republicans play to win. They don’t fuck around, they get the handcuffs out and arrest fools. Democrats play to uphold norms and civility, that’s why they lose across the board.


Im gonna go out on a limb here and say Texas Republicans will indeed arrest these people, despite there not being a physical jail at the statehouse.


didn’t oregon state gop flee the state as well, and gov brown also told involved state police?