GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

What if he clarifies that he only meant the ban would apply to Urban Americans?


He is an incredibly proficient bullshitter from what I’ve seen. That’s what scares me.

Replace “Democrat” with “Republican” and “race/racism” with “socialist/socialism” and this is an accurate statement.

It’s always projection.

Bold move going to the right of MTG.

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Leopard face etc.

I’m sure the incumbents would never…prey on Trump supporters. They seem upset they got outplayed.

“They have essentially preyed on Trump supporters, telling them the county and state party organizations didn’t support President Trump, which is a total lie, and then they’ve gone forward spreading rumors and innuendos about people — everything from sex trafficking to embezzlement to rigging elections, all this garbage,” McKissick said.

Rick Scott is a ghoul from Fallout 4 IRL.

absolutely zero disrespect to Wiseman intended, he was a cool ghoul


So, if/when Trump runs, DeSantis is the slam dunk VP choice, right?

I’m trying to decide how much to bet on DeSantis to win 2024 GOP VP nomination and DeSantis to actually be next VP.

Don’t know about betting markets, but if you want maximum “Constitutional Crisis Chaos” this is definitely the ticket you want. Trump has now declared himself a Florida resident and, although not technically illegal, having two folks from the same state could be tricky.

Cliffs: Members of the Electoral College can’t vote for both a Prez and a VP from their own state. So, Florida electors couldn’t vote for Trump as Pres and then DeSantis as VP. (Insert usual caveats about “says who”, “how many armies does the SCOTUS have”, etc.)

Now that I think about it, I kinda want to become a Trump advisor just so that I can whisper in his ear that he should make DeSantis move to Alaska a few weeks before he makes his VEEP nomination announcement…

No, Trump already turning on DeSantis, can’t handle anyone who is in any way a threat.


I think we need to ask whether Trump benefits from a viable primary challenge. He had that in 2016 and won. He didn’t have it last year and lost. And now he doesn’t have the advantage of being an incumbent either. He’d get more media attention with DeSantis as an opponent rather than a VP.

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Nobody is crazy enough to run against him except lol Lincoln Project losers.

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SCOTUS doesn’t care.

Fuck. Wouldn’t shock me in the least if Ivanka was his VP candidate. Just in time to set up the Trump dynasty because LOL voting laws

I forgot about that!

Presumably DeSantis will be a sitting Governor, so he can’t change his state residency. Can Trump change his state residency during the primary? If he can, then I guess he becomes New Jersey man or something. If he can’t, then that’s a problem for DeSantis.

But if he picks DeSantis, then DeSantis has to fellate him 24/7, which he is more than capable of doing.

So Trump running unopposed vs. Biden running unopposed? Democracy 2024 style? Both candidates could drop dead at any time. Doesn’t get much more exciting than that.


Yeah, you can change residency pretty quickly, especially if you have some preexisting connection to the state. For example, Cheney had ties to Wyoming (including being a former Congressman, having a vacation home there, etc.), but had been a Texas resident for several years when Bush started Veep vetting. Cheney changed his voter registration 4 days before the announcement and did some other stuff (put his Dallas house up for sale), and the courts said that was good enough.

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But DeSantis can’t do that while he’s governor? Right? Even if he technically can, the optics have to be so terrible that he wouldn’t.

So, Trump would have to be the one doing it.

I’m sure Trump can do it quick if he wanted to, but I imagine that him being forced to change state residency to accommodate DeSantis would rub him the wrong way.

All I can say is that I’m glad that it wasn’t Riverman who was making this prediction.