GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Yeah, it ain’t gonna be Vance.

It’s gonna be this fuckin guy:

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Ohio is way the fuck gone for Presidential elections, but I could see Sherrod Brown hanging on for a few more terms.

Maybe, but the 2024 election isn’t going to be easy for him.

That’s not gonna save you getting gots, Gaetz.

such an empty promise, since he might not even make next congress.




This is an awesome read.

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Seriously. I especially like the part about how it ended. Feels very germane to the present decline of the US empire.

If making America better is the goal then this place is currently unbalanced.

Just look at the ratio of negative takes to positive takes.

If someone takes a positive outlook they are oft met with ssc and such. Nothing is guaranteed in life and thinking so is a privilege.

Remember when RBG dying was a stone cold lock for Trumps election shenanigans to be rewarded?

I fully expect someone to respond with “but Fun” and point out some monstrosity. With the amazing historical knowledge in this forum why does anyone expect better?

The constant defaulting to negative expectations while living pretty comfortable lives does feel like a microcosm of the Edems “being in on it.”

Which they are.


You’re smushing our enjoyment.

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Interesting post. I agree that the worst hasn’t happened. Trump didn’t steal the election. We haven’t descended into full fledged fascism or chaos. It’s hard for me to tell if that is due to luck, the WAAF crew being slightly too pessimistic or if we were saved by the true intentions of people like Mitch McConnell. I mean sure he is a complete monster but these well off Republican congresscritters don’t want what the Republican truck driving bumper sticker voters want. That is saving us so far I think.

It’s hard to be optimistic given the direction we’ve been headed. OK, RBG ding didn’t give us more Trump, but instead we’ve got a crazy-ass Aunt Lydia on the bench for decades. And Breyer seems all set to check out right after the midterms.

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I go from optimistic to super WAAF depending on circumstances, I’m not all negative all the time. I was one of the most optimistic before the election.

But seeing these voting laws being put into place and the trend being the dems not doing shit about them… I don’t know how you aren’t in panic mode.

I feel like most people backed off the supreme court would overturn the election as the results became super clear that it would be a complete power grab that would completely legitimize their 40 year project. People were worried that if it was super close down to 1 state like Florida they would have done it, but over turning 3+ states was never going to happen.


I’m pretty resigned to elections being heavily slanted toward the GOP at this point. I’m a little more unsure if they will actually start stealing them. The most likely scenerio I see is a slow boil which is basically just a continuation of the last 40 years. The GOP wins elections with less votes mostly and the Dems win here and there but never do anything with it. We slowly boil until it is too late and then something shocking and unthinkable happens and it is far too late to undo any of it. Whether we are 1 year 5 years or 50 years away from that I am not sure.

One thing that is concerning to me is the old rich white guy contingent of the GOP is getting replaced by younger true believer types. Now look I hate old rich white guys as much as the next guy but referencing my previous post they have been a buffer from the insanity of the GOP base to some extent. What happens when the entire party is Gaetz/MTG clones?


Those old rich white guys will also start to get primaried by true believers, and its all downhill from there.

You’re probably right they won’t outright steal elections right away because it would upset capital, but they won’t need too when they disenfranchise millions of voters and gerrymander to like +8 seats.

The anti-intellectualism of the GOP is scary because that can take us down paths that go to some really strange places. There’s definitely a future that looks a bit like Idiocracy. Crumbling infrastructure and economies where the people in power are too stupid to do anything about it, and blaming people for problems becomes more important than fixing them. At least with the old white mostly ivy league educated GOP you knew they at least had some idea how to keep the ship afloat so they could enrich themselves. I have no confidence the younger crop of complete fucking morons knows how to do that, and it’s clear that faction is winning the civil war going on within the GOP.