GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Ive come to the “It doesnt matter because the Earth is super fucked and we’ve decided as a whole that capitalism is morr important now than even the immediate health of the planet so who really cares about ‘loss of democracy’ shit at this point anyway” portion of the show.


The Dems putting all of their political capital into holding 1/6 hearings and giving medals to cops is the most frustrating thing ever. It’s like a Riverman post come to life. This is better than the Nazi shitstorm of the Trump era, but how do you convince anyone to get out and vote in 2022 with this nonsense?

Draft a bunch of $15 minimum wage bills and legalize weed let the Republicans spend their airtime shooting these things down. Put Greta Thunberg on the Supreme Court, Dems have the power to do all this and they’re ducking around trying to solve the Mystery of the 1/6 Uprising.


Some of you are like “Greta” is a teenager and isn’t even a US citizen.” Doesn’t matter! Still 100% legal to put her on the Supreme Court.


The real question in my mind is what happens when Trump dies. Do the ivy leaguers regain control of the party or has that ship sailed?

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Good question. And I really think that could happen at any time. Guys like him often drop dead without notice. All the Republicans are so afraid of him. I would assume there will be some level of fighting for control within the party because no one will know who to be afraid of.

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I think for at least the next 5 to 10 years the GOP is the party of Trumpism regardless of what happens to Trump himself. They’ve build up a lot of momentum in the last 6 years that it’s going to take some time to dissipate. I think him dying is a net good because that takes some of the wind out of their sails and hopefully turns some Trump thumpers into non-voters. Beyond that time frame gets a lot harder to predict. Blue states getting bluer and red states redder seems likely to happen. And those red states likely become more unhinged. Dems likely keep enough power at the federal level to keep things from going full on dystopian. But beyond 2030 (2028 election is likely a pretty big inflection point) who the F knows.


Largely agree, but stupid people are able to enrich themselves even as the society collapses. There is plenty of wealth in the US, and plenty of opportunity to loot the country for personal gain at collective expense. Even idiotic Republican kleptocrats can do the really obvious stuff, like sell America’s natural resources and productive assets to China in exchange for personal kick backs and bribes. It’s not hard to imagine Donnie Dumb Dumb winning a rigged election in 2024 and then doing just that. His cult will believe that he’s some great negotiator that can win terrific deals for America while handing over all of the countries public assets. When it comes to light that he did it for personal bribes, who’s gonna stop him? Nancy Pelosi?


The Dem party being completely useless and impotent is a bigger problem than what is happening in the GOP tbh. Elections really don’t matter already when a Dem sweep means what exactly? Delaying the inevitable?


I would add gleefully getting sucked into stupid ass debates about made up shit like critical race theory and running around giving free air time to lunatics.

Trump suing Twitter and Facebook to get his accounts back lol


He hasn’t already sued them? LOLOLOL.

In other news his lawyers will be clowns for the inevitable clownshow and FB/Twitters lawyers will be better lawyers than the Democrats have for sure. More willing to do what it takes to get the goddamn job done certainly.

He’s suing Twitter and Facebook, I’m quite sure they’ll have good lawyers

The absolute most effective that money can buy I have no doubt.

Trump is the closest thing imaginable to a real-life Scooby Doo villain. He looks just like when Shaggy takes off the mask and discovers the monster was really Old Man Trump who owns the abandoned casino. Dems still somehow need a Congressional investigation to figure out who did the 1/6 on them. He’s not even wearing a mask, he’s just out there on a podium yelling at the marks to go drain the swamp.


I thought he was suing Jack and Mark, are they the named parties or them and the corporations?

He will back down before discovery if it gets that far.

He’s suing the companies and their CEOs (which isn’t that unusual).

It’s also a class action complaint - not sure who the class is, maybe all conservatives that have been banned from social media? Doesn’t seem like a class that would ever be certified though as the reasons they all got banned are likely to be quite diverse.

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Why? If there’s anything he doesn’t want to turn over in discovery, he won’t turn it over.

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This is like a Scooby Doo story where the old man villain doesn’t even wear a mask but the Scooby gang still can’t figure out the mystery and also they don’t have any authority to arrest anyone.

I don’t think he’s do a deposition. ?

The Scooby Gang doesn’t even have a jail.