GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Bolsonaro being a more successful Trump totally upsets the percentages. Even Trump would have mixed feelings.

I say this having watched the Star Trek original series ep, A Piece of the Action yesterday. It’s about a world run by Chicago-style gangsters.


Bolsonaro says only God will remove him from office, will refuse to relinquish power if he thinks there’s electoral fraud

I don’t see ‘Voter fraud’ I do see ‘Vote fraud’


This is possible but he will fight some, let’s hope he loses enough support that he has to step down as he’s a absolute nightmare for Brazilian people.

He’s an absolute nightmare for the whole planet. We need the Amazon to be left the fuck alone. The people currently chopping and burning it are poor so the only solution is to pay them the fuck off to stop. And it needs to be done as soon as humanly possible.

I know it’s super fucked up but assuming climate change mitigation was the reason I’d be for an old fashioned CIA backed coup in Brazil to remove Bolsonaro if he won reelection. All the way down to sending in the marines tbqh.

But I see climate change as an actual crisis that we, as a species, need to become very serious about immediately. The first step in that is doing all the easy shit. Not actively burning down rain forests is the definition of easy shit.

This Florida condo collapsing, the wildfires, the ice storm in Texas of all places (which is the same thing as you guys having a 110 degree day in Scotland we were totally unprepared for that shit), and so on are not a coincidence. The heat wave in the northwest of the US isn’t an accident either. This is getting pretty real pretty fast and it’s happening everywhere humans live.

Climate change is like the seven plagues of Egypt from the bible. You can say you don’t believe and refuse to move but nature just picks you up and body slams you for it… and then asks you again. Rinse and repeat forever and the only people left on the ‘but what if we did nothing’ train will work directly for the emissions industry.

This will be seen as our core national security issue in <5 years. By then it will, of course, be too late to prevent some really bad outcomes.



Let’s hope so.

Humans tend to be pretty good at overreacting to a problem as it’s happening. I’m sure we’ll commit many a war crime in the name of fixing the problem we directly caused.

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The low pressure got to me at the weekend and I had to stop working to get a breath, then the rain fell and in no less than 3 mins it rained like 3 inches of water running down the roads and flooded the streets, then it dried in no less than an hour before another short storm, it was a wild Saturday all told.

It’s been doing the same all Sunday but nowhere near as warm, seriously I had to stop and get air. :man_shrugging:

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Didn’t see this mentioned itt (maybe elsewhere) but hundreds of masked white supremacists marched on city hall in Philly on Saturday night

It did not go well

Love to see Philadelphians of all races uniting to beat that ass: Black Powder Press on Instagram: "A little bonus footage of the Patriot Front larpers getting clobbered some more, then tucking tail and fleeing in getaway Penske trucks after getting beat down in Philly last night. See the other post from this morning for more details. Patriot Front is a self described fascist group who advocates for a white ethnostate and have ties to the organizing of the Unite the Right rally that ended with the death of antifascist Heather Heyer a few years back in Charlottesville. The popularity of fascist politics in the US didn't dissappear when Trump was replaced by a different fascist in January, and organizations like Patriot Front are regrouping and organizing across the country. They will continue to recruit and grow unless they are met with continuous resistance every time they crawl out from under their rocks and mothers' basements. 🎥@j2timesx"


“They started engaging with citizens of Philadelphia, who were none too happy about what they were saying. These males felt threatened, and, at one point, somebody in their crowd threw a type of smoke bomb to cover their retreat, and they literally ran away from the people of Philadelphia,” said Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Crum.


I see no evidence of that.




It’s not much, but Hallmark, at least, kept it’s pledge.

Hallmark also asked two objectors, Republican Sens. Josh Hawley of Missouri and Roger Marshall of Kansas, to return direct contributions it made to them before the insurrection. Campaign finance records do not yet show those refunds. Messages seeking comment from the two senators were not returned.

This should bring them to their knees.

Ok, maybe not. Fast response, at least.


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That’s because 2021 has had the nicest weather of the rest of your life. That was the first condo to collapse not the last.



100% dude is a virgin.

Wtf is moan aabe? I’m scared to google it.

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Nothing more alpha than a Ford Ranger with a camper shell.


“Come and take it” because they all think they’re Spartans.


Spartans had young male “apprentices” right?

Shouldn’t Calvin be pissing on the snowflake and not the resistance?

I guess kids are bullying now based on politics? My daughter posted fireworks to her page and got a response from a “friend” from school asking “why are you posting fireworks? You’re a liberal and you hate America.” She’s heard similar talk from at least one other kid. These are middle-schoolers. I had less than a single fk to give about politics when I was in middle school.

So now the Trumpkins are passing both their racism and hatred for all who are not the far right down to their children.

This country is doing just fine :+1: