GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

The obvious result is luxury cars for lawyers. Mission acchomplished!


Apparently Hobby Lobby ran full page ads today about how government should only be run by Christians.

My fave reply


Truest words ever spoken. Republican Christians totally singlehandedly hang their hat on the pro-life issue and then walk away from any other responsibility to their fellow human beings as Christians. I didn’t know this until recently, but aprtly there was a lot of crazy babykilling stuff going on in China that involved a lot of random massacres of Christians in the 1800s and early 1900s. I think that is a lot of the context for this political dynamic, but man they have really lost the plot when it comes to social responsibility and not randomly warring against people you don’t like.

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I would say I’m way more plugged into Christianity than the average of the Unstuckied, and I don’t think there’s any way the average pro-life Christian has any idea about this.


Can’t help but think of this comic of Supply Side Jesus that appeared in an Al Franken book back in 2003…


Yeah, whenever I hear “Christian” anymore, it automatically translates to “Supply side Christian” in my head. I’m sure there are countless good Christians around, you know, actually following the teachings of Christ, but they aren’t the default model my brain jumps to. It sucks to paint so many innocent people with that dirty brush, but I can’t help my visceral disgust at the actions of all the republichristians and their rampant hate.

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The average American pro life Christian would say “Of course the Chinese were killing babies in the 1800s, they’re a bunch of communists!”

Continuing the God convo…

Someone want to tell him?


Normally I’m very against the CIA’s meddling in the affairs of other countries… but I kind of feel like Trump getting away with it gave this piece of shit the green light he needed to try to do it right. Hopefully the CIA made him realize that this was going to be one of the many many places where we are complete hypocrites.

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I’d think the’d back him to the max including sending weapons when needed, imo.


Only if the person who replaces him is too far left. Even then they probably drop Bolsonaro. People aren’t cartoon villains anywhere including the CIA. Total pieces of shit to be sure, but pieces of shit with an agenda. They tend to work with fascists because that’s who tends to be willing to work with them to get their agenda done (which is almost always smashing anti-capitalists because capitalism is what our empire is built on).

There’s zero chance that climate change isn’t about to be top of mind for everyone. Either you’re in the oil business and you’re defending it like a cornered rat or you’re not and you’re trying to kill the cornered rat. With every passing day it becomes more obvious that we’re all getting cooked.

There’s talk of Lulu running again but if he doesn’t run Bolsanaro is heavily underwater in the polls and is expected to lose in the next election.

Alough my info is limited on the subject and rely on twitter folks.

Whatever they told Bolsonaro was enough to make him do a 180 for the exit. Probably that far from helping him ignore the election they would destabilize him further. Chalk this one up to Biden being elected president because it’s actually a legit difference. Trump would have 100% done the opposite.

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I’m not seeing the 180. Those two tweets say the exact same thing. He won’t leave office and he won’t leave office.

What am I missing?

He won’t hand over the presidency if he feels there is voter fraud is extremely different than he won’t hand over the presidency if there is vote fraud. It’s very on purpose that he took a giant step back saying almost the exact same thing in words. He just got muscled by the CIA and doesn’t want to look weak. But weak is what he is.

Yeah sure, because JB has the green new deal at the top of his list, sorry for missing that.

Ah okay. I just assumed the voter fraud bit was a Trump like caveat and meaningless, but I get it now. Thanks for clarification.

He’s losing the next election to someone who does. Bols is first and foremost the politician who represents Brazil’s petty farming tyrants. He’s never going to want to do anything but strip and burn the Amazon to grow commodity crops to be sold.

Thankfully he’s way behind in the polls and if he can’t stay in power through force he won’t stay in power at all.