GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


Ok I see it now. With the profile shot it looks like both first and second are standing there with their arms crossed.

Lol right wing lunatics. Who gives a shit?

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Oh only like 100 million Americans.

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Holy shit, check out the instagram video that sparked the “antifa riot” (See: conservative fucks protesting a spa that allowed transgender clients to use the locker room associated with their gender identitiy.)

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And the link to the “anti-pedo” protest flyer.

These people are fucking sick.

A tale of 2 headlines:

Violence breaks out after spa customer complains about transgender woman exposing penis to kids

Btw am I weird thinking its odd for underage kids going into a nude steam room, gendered or not? Im sure thats not a big deal in the Scandis, but with my American sensibilities it seems not entirely right

The idea that simply seeing a naked person is damaging to children is such a bizarre concept. There is not a shred of evidence to suggest it’s harmful outside a sexual context.


Completely agree but in our society it’s going to cause a shit storm

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I’ve never been comfortable being naked around other men - from football to now. I get that some cultures/people seem to actually thrive on it. One reason I’ll never go to a Korean spa where you’re naked the entire time through all kinds of activities (or so I’ve been told).

Maybe there’s some way we can just give people enough privacy and avoid the whole group nakedness issue. But I realize a lot of locker rooms would have to be re-designed.

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in the current usa#1 culture, everything is in a sexual context, whether there’s any possible sex or not. virtually nothing is off limits, even our fake news is about satanic pedophiles. and everyone just goes /shrug, can’t criticize religious bigotry, and reverts to borderline puritanical overcorrection like this spa thing.


Dueling protesters clashed outside a Koreatown spa Saturday over a recent incident involving transgender rights, prompting Los Angeles police in riot gear to be dispatched to the scene.

Police ordered the crowd to disperse after fights broke out between the two groups in front of Wi Spa in the 2700 block of Wilshire Boulevard about 1:45 p.m., according to police and videos posted on Twitter and other social media.

“Demonstrators have now cleared the scene,” Officer Mike Lopez of the Los Angeles Police Department told City News Service. “Pretty much everyone complied with the order to leave.”

The demonstrations were apparently spurred by an incident that occurred last weekend at the spa. An irate customer posted a video on Instagram under the name Cubana Angel and it quickly went viral.

The woman in the video complains to staff at Wi Spa that a man had walked into the women’s section and showed his genitals to young girls, according to the video posted on the social media platform. The customer the woman complained about reportedly identified as a woman.

“He is a man,” the woman can be heard saying. “He is not a female. There are girls down there, other women who are highly offended by what they just saw and you did nothing. You sided with him.”

Wi Spa defended its policy in a statement to Los Angeles Magazine.

“Like many other metropolitan areas, Los Angeles contains a transgender population, some of whom enjoy visiting a spa,” the statement said. “Wi Spa strives to meet the needs of all its customers.”

Protesters opposed to the spa’s policy demonstrated in front of the building early Saturday but were met by counter-demonstrators holding a “No Bigotry in L.A.” rally. Members of each group then began fighting with each other and police were dispatched to the scene.

Texas News Today (whatever that is) with the several thousand word article. Meanwhile this is how the actual LA Times covers it. This story is going to get blasted into the stratosphere in derp-land over the next few weeks.


Applied to the
Subject at hand this post is obtuse.

It’s a natural boundary for parents when protecting their kids.

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So apparently Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. This explains a lot to be honest.


It’s such a perfect encapsulation of our lol legal system that this scumbag can just go on never paying child support despite an obviously large income. Lawyer bills well into 6-figures on both sides I’m sure, and zero ability to produce the obvious result.