GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Jackson said he has spoken to Shealy about making a compromise similar to the deal made when Martin Luther King Jr. Day was becoming a state holiday. He said he is willing to write his legislation so state workers can either choose to take Confederate Memorial Day off or Juneteenth.

Confederate memorial day lololol imagine celebrating being traitorous losers


If I were a business owner, I’d be in favour of this just to make it easier for me to see who I can fire for being a traitorous pos.


Saw tweets last night claiming the Opus Dei folks are the drivers behind the communion thing. Too lazy and too skeeved out to search the details.

Cliffs on the communion thing for a non-Christian who is paywalled by the NYT?

American bishops want to block Biden from receiving communion. Ostensibly its because of Bidens alleged support for abortion rights but of course its actually because they can sense the same tipping point dynamics in the US that we all do and they would like to tip the country over into overtly Handmaid’s Tale territory. And they’ve got a good shot, honestly.

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US bishops put out a proposal to deny communion to people with public pro abortion positions and specifically target Biden.

Communion is a little wafer thing that represents the “body” of Christ you eat. The priest does a whole ritual to bless the wafers and then you stand in line. He says “the body of Christ”. You say “amen” and you take the wafer (he used to put it directly into your mouth, but know they place it in your hand). I was raised Catholic and I don’t fucking get it either.

You are supposed to be a Catholic in “good standing” to be eligible. They are proposing to change what “good standing” means.

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It doesn’t just represent it. Do you even transubstantiate bro?


I was raised Catholic too. If we’re doing this, can we extend it to include the Catholics who believe in capital punishment? And the Catholics who believe in mistreatment of illegal immigrants?


That will sure help their declining membership problem.

My mom just married a catholic. They denied the annulment of his previous marriage so they couldn’t get married in the catholic church. In the process, the priest said they’d have to take a good look at my mom (pretty religious but not catholic) to see if she was worthy to get married in the catholic church because catholics are above all other christians. Unclear whether the priests etc that molest kids are above or below non catholics in this ranking.


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It’s so beyond my scope of understanding how people can be that way.


Being filled with rage and hate 24/7 by propaganda on TV and Online that Antifa is the worst terrorist group in the country and evil monsters etc.

To them it’s the same as seeing a sign that says " Bin Laden Loves you " after 9/11. Because to them Antifa is hurting Americans every day.

When you throw stats at them about Antifa violence vs White supremicist/right wing extremist they just mental gymnastics their way around it.

Like have you ever watched the Tucker Carlson clips posted ITT? He’s basically saying the left is trying to take away their country, put them in re-education camps, invade their towns and murder them in their bed, implement sharia law, and institute a Stalin like Regime all in one.

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I put it down to being so cowardly that they know fine well they can never challenge the real power in the country and deep down know this.

-0- percent chance this mouth breather can think above level 1. Antifa bad.

I know that after the priest does his magic mojo that it allegedly is the body of Christ, I just don’t believe it.

As opposed to the rest of it which all seems so logical?

I don’t believe any of it. Pretty much go into churches for weddings, funerals, and historical tour type stuff.