GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

All religious stuff is weird, but communion wafer and blood drinking are contenders for the weirdest. And these are the same people that lose their shit at Muslim women’s attire or any other brown religion customs.

Unrelated, I just heard an ad on YouTube that went roughly “Hugo Chavez ruined his country by installing socialism. Now the radical socialist left wants the same fate for America. Stop the liberals from stacking the supreme court with socialist justices. Visit SupremeCoup dot com to help win this fight now!”

Just pure insane bullshit. At least anybody who would want to visit the site wouldn’t be able to find it because they probably can’t spell coup.


Time to register and and whatever else, and start grifting them donations.


I got this too, which is hilarious because it means it probably isn’t targeted at all.

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Things you can do and still be eligible to participate in the holiest sacramental rite as a Catholic:
Work as an executioner
Rape little boys
Cover up the rape of little boys

Things you cannot do and still be eligible to participate in the holiest sacramental rite as a Catholic:
Respect the right of women, even non-Catholic women, to do with their bodies as they please.


What It’s Like to Be Cancelled

A little context might help:

The majority of comments on hacker news are amazing. Everything you would think about “toxic masculinity”. Just wild. Featuring, of course, everyone’s all time favorite:

Fuck them. I am going to get communion for that alone then. Perhaps in my pro choice sweater.

Yeah Marco Rubio’s dad literally dropped a giant turd on the rest of us.

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You’re going to be sorely disappointed by the taste and texture of our lord Jesus Christ.


I’m catholic, I have had it many, many times.

Honestly when I saw wookie post that headline I thought it would be Covid related.

By the way I was raised in a world where eating meat on fridays was a sin deserved of hell.

Not that it means anything but I thought if you did confession you were good to go for communion? Surely you can’t be denied confession.

This actually really sucks assuming it happened how the dude laid it out in his blog post. He made a gigantic mistake labeling himself “creepy sexual predator” in the soundbite age. But he doesn’t deserve to have his career ruined over it.

Doesn’t that depend on what he did, not what he called himself?

As far as what he did this is the main one that spurred everything:

The article lists this to say other people came forward, but it’s not heavy on specifics and seems to be more general dislike:

The guy clearly used to get drunk and grope people 10 years ago, which is terrible. But the apology seemed sincere. He could have just Trumped it and ignored it - which it sure looks like would have been better for him from a career POV. Which sucks that people who try to make a sincere apology get punished harder than people who just shrug it off.

But yeah someone on HackerNews made the point that if he’s associated with a brand then it makes sense the company has to let him go.


He was already fucked before he apologized. His apology is a response to being found out. WOTC is the company that removed cards because they were racially problematic that they made decades ago.

Also what he did went much deeper than these posts from what I’ve heard.


Stuff like this makes me sick to my stomach and glad I don’t live in the U.S. any longer.

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Or perhaps the priests who sexually molest minors, at least.