GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Yet Chuck Todd gets to host Meet the Press.

This video makes me sympathetic to anti intellectualism.

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I haven’t watched the clip, but, man, the FBI has really made Tucker’s job easy with all the times they done this to “terrorists”

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The obvious conclusion is that the left does not do enough to stir fear and hope.

EDIT: I meant fear and hate.

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I guess you meant fear and hate? But it could be the left just isn’t quite as susceptible to those things. Reason keeps them in check to some degree.

This may be true as a matter of degree, but it’s equally try that fear and hate of Trump was a major, major driver of the last election win.

That was reasonable existential fear and we still just knocked him off.

Didn’t everyone go on and on how CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator way back in the day when attacking Muslims was the thing to do?

Gotta train everyone to understand that Trump is a typical Republican and not an outlier.

Right. But the “left” did win. They didn’t win when they were running Hillary’s alleged competence against Trump and no one was scared that he would win, and people found him more embarrassing than actually hating him.

I think the argument for the Dems running more positive isn’t that their voters are so inherently superior and not vulnerable to psychological tricks. The Dem argument for running more positive is that they actually have some policies designed to make people’s lives better. That’s the positivity they need to run on (and they need to come up with even better actual policies that do more, ldo) to win on positivity.

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Is it worth watching Lindell’s interview with Kimmel?

There is a TON of reasonable things for Dems to fear. Dems just don’t try

We need our own fox news but based on reality and facts. Like the right is trying to seize power through voter suppression. They should have liberals terrified of this. And million other things. But all we get is both sides bi partisanship.

Honestly we probably need a Cesar to completely own and overthrow our oligarchy but hopefully put in place democratic socialism instead of an emperor lol

I dunno man I’m close to the point of giving up. Like not even volunteer or donate in 2022 or even vote. Just vote in democratic primaries for progressives

Actually we don’t even need that we need dem politicians to be doing it. Just be honest and tell people that democracy is literally going to die. Like they need to put real fear into people.

Instead they’re still pretending to try to do bipartisanship lol.

The base would turn out huge if the politicians were putting the feat of god Into them by telling them the truth.

But they’re in on it so I hope they get jailed when the psychos take over

It might be a tendency to wishcast. It does feel like time is running out.

mike lindell leaks his own “interview” is surely onion.

Nah. It’s coming out so gotta sell it as a victory to the rubes. Never apologize. Never take it back.

One structural disadvantage that the Dems have is that liberals and progressives are too prone to “in fighting”. A strident “leftist” news network will not unify the left like Fox unifies the right. American conservatives don’t care, at all, about consistency. So they’re all willing to accept whatever Fox says even if it contradicts what Fox said 13 seconds earlier. A “left Fox” would provoke debate amongst the factions of the left.

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GOP institutionalizing grift now