GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I’ve had someone on a poker table tell me this in the UK and as I looked away the dude 3 seats away gave me the wft eyes as I sat silent.

Yup, I’ve done the Raspberry Pi thing. Also have emulators on a Wii.

It was more than 8 years, the Welfare Queen myth goes all the way back to at least Reagan.

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About what?


Oh good, Dems are going to stan hard for Hero Cops in order to outflank Republicans, that’ll work for sure.

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The fear is always there in the conservative consciousness. It needs an object to justify and reinforce itself but it doesn’t matter what the object is and it doesn’t have to remain the same over time. Ofc certain objects are going to be more attractive than others. Foreigners and brown people are mainstays. UFO aliens would be awesome.

shit. there really is a culture war, we just haven’t been fighting it.

This has been going on forever, since Obama, and why we’ve been getting our ass kicked besides being the majority. These people are fantatics and pretty much their entire live revolve around this shit. Fear and hate are way bigger motivators than hope.So on local levels we just get our asses kicked because these people eat, sleep, breathe politics. Like they listen to AM radio, FOX etc ALL DAY and organizer because they’re terrified.

Outside of the progressive wing of the left, most libs just kinda live their lives and have fun and focus on other shit and then donate during elections.

Not to take away from all the people on the left who are constantly fighting, it’s just a much smaller number. Like 80% of Trumpers dedicate their lives to politics, where for our side its probably like 10%.


These polls are really not interesting or surprising. Wouldn’t the surprising result be that the vast majority of republicans believed in facts? These people, believe in angles, resurrection and Q but not climate change, evolution or scientific epistemology. Their ideas around the election are completely consistent with their overall worldview.

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True. Maybe Biden should stop negotiating with their representatives in good faith? The point isn’t that it’s surprising data, it’s that it’s data that directly contradicts the strategy of the Last Great Hope for American democracy. It’s worth while continuing to point to the dead canary in the coal mine even if it’s not surprising.


It’s tricky to work out what people actually believe vs what they tell pollsters they believe. A lot of Republicans are just going to say they think Trump will be reinstated or whatever because that’s what they think they’re supposed to say or they think it will trigger the libs.


Don’t be obtuse, one of these clearly is not like the others.


Funniest part of the article is the multiple references to Encyclopedia Brittanica to define CRT. What is this, me in 3rd grade?

They do oppose Critical Race Theory - they don’t think their race should be criticized.


Lol Democrats and the media taking the bait on these fabricated “issues” every single fucking time.

lol conservatives on CRT