GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Pompeo seems uniquely delusional and stupid. There is absolutely zero constituency for him. Maybe he’s just banking $ while he can but honestly who is giving him real money?

I am always confused why people get so mad about CRT. Who even uses cathode ray tubes anymore?



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lol I know I’m breaking flow here but this is actually a thing that’s happening:

looks like they are coopting a name for special units ?

Y’all forgot the true classic:



i had forgotten all about jeremiah wright. how is he these days?

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after Butch saves Marsellus from rapists]

Butch : You okay?

Marsellus : Naw man. I’m pretty fuckin’ far from okay.

Butch : What now?

Marsellus : What now? Let me tell you what now. I’ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin’ niggers, who’ll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin’, hillbilly boy? I ain’t through with you by a damn sight. I’ma get medieval on your ass.

Butch : I meant what now between me and you?

Marsellus : Oh, that what now. I tell you what now between me and you. There is no me and you. Not no more.


Republicans hate the constitution more than democrats hate Trump!

This is the obvious origin.

Could raise mypillowguy cred?

I have two CRTs with video issues in my upstairs hallway just because I’m afraid to get rid of them in case I can’t find any more good ones for my retro games. My wife is so annoyed with how long they’ve been there. I might finally get rid of them. I bought a nice Sony before the pandemic for $20 - it was so heavy my wife and I struggled to lift it onto the shelf (I also weight-tested the shelf for a couple days before I bought the TV).

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It’s not quite the same, but if you want to keep your retro gaming abilities while moving to a modern setup you should check out Raspberry Pi emulators. I’ve got a Pi set up that connects via HDMI and can play any game through the Super Nintendo generation (and does pretty well with most N64 games too). My friends and I play some Sega, PS1, and Super Nintendo games pretty regularly. Much, much easier to have this tiny portable computer ready to plug into any modern TV.

FWIW my setup is a few years old and I think there’s been a new Pi released that may be even more powerful.

the Pi 4 is a lot more powerful than the 3 BUT it uses a lot more power (you have to be pretty picky about what power supplies you use), which means it needs better cooling (you almost have to have an active fan), and the 3 is way more than enough to run emulators.







Oh man they were running “black people are buying lobster with food stamps” segments for 8 fucking years straight


lobster rebellion used to mean a very different thing.

My BIL is a huge right wing stan and I got hammered with him 2 years ago and he was telling stories about black women in the mid-90s coming in to the grocery store he worked at in high school buying carts full of crab legs and lobsters. Of course I told him he was a racist but he was undeterred. Whether his brain is rotted or whether he has believed that for 25 years is anyones guess but my best guess is Rush was probably pumping that a long time ago during the Clinton years as Bill reduced the amount of people eligible for welfare with signing the welfare reform bill.