GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


This is just the gigantic part of American Conservatism in 2021 where the Venn diagram with ISIS is almost a circle.

If he’s going to do flag porn he should hump it like Trump.


Real Patriot LEADERS flee to Mexico when their fellow Americans are dying in their homes.


Americans are too demanding. The flag never asks Ted for anything. Only the flag really understands him. It loves him for who he is. Never calls him names. Even if he is a sniveling disloyal pathetic coward.


Let’s be real, even the flag hates Ted Cruz.

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Is Greg Kelly positioning himself for a 2024 run?

DeSantis is really gunning for that 2024 spot.

Moment of silence for all the kids lost to school shootings in Florida?


That would be an amazing lib state troll.

Gov Inslee “We’ll have a moment of silence to remember all the kids lost to school shootings across the country, especially in Florida”

What happens if you talk during the “moment of silence”? Do they have to restart it? What’s the punishment for wrecking the moment of silence?

At least one minute is a long damn time for a “moment” of silence. In practice, this may be whittled down to about five seconds or so.


How are you supposed to pray reflect in just five seconds?

“Lordy Jesus, let’s have a good day, Amen.”

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I think a number of states already have a moment of silence thanks to the War on Prayer. Maybe those states can join the fun by doubling their moment of silence.

I guess it seems constitutional:

Is it constitutional for a public school to require a “moment of silence”?

Yes, if, and only if, the moment of silence is genuinely neutral. A neutral moment of silence that does not encourage prayer over any other quiet, contemplative activity will not be struck down, even though some students may choose to use the time for prayer. (See Bown v. Gwinnett County School Dist., 11th Cir. 1997)

If a moment of silence is used to promote prayer, it will be struck down by the courts. In Wallace v. Jaffree (1985) the Supreme Court struck down an Alabama “moment of silence” law because it was enacted for the express purpose of promoting prayer in public schools.

I mean, it’s not like DeSantis would actually say that he’s doing it expressly for religious purposes.

“The idea you can just push God out of every institution and you can be successful, I am sorry our founding fathers did not believe that,” DeSantis said.


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Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub.


Clapping will win out to drown out the people disrupting the moment of silence as has happened in sports around the world.

Was visiting my partner’s Trump-loving parents last week. At dinner her mom asked me to say grace. She knows I’m not a believer and kind of likes to troll…so…

I proceeded to thank the sun and the rain and the dirt for the food, and mom for the cooking. Asked that our leaders would actually follow the bible’s teaching regarding the debt jubilee, and that billionaires would follow Jesus advice to the rich young ruler to give all his possessions to the poor. Capped off by a sincere prayer that I would find the charging adapter for my weed vape pen (I found it later that evening, praise the lord!)

I wasn’t asked to say grace again after that.


Sotomayor: This is bullshit.
Kagan: Yeah, this isn’t right.
Breyer: (drools)
Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, Kavanaugh, Alito: Yes, it’s constitutional. Fuck you, that’s why.
Roberts: I’m so glad people don’t have to hate me any more for this shit.


We briefly had a “moment of silence” thing when I was in grade school (I have zero recollection whether it was a national thing or somehow got passed just in NJ, too lazy to look it up). Our 6th grade teacher literally would stand there and read the statute for the entire minute and time it perfectly so that he’d say “this now concludes the legally mandated minute of silence, you may now resume your normal class activities” at the :59 mark or whatever. Took me a while to realize how cool of him this was, he was clearly having none of it.