GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

If we weren’t so mean to her she wouldn’t have to be a Nazi. Its our fault.


also the other person is the REAL RACIST



So she’s totally for GOP power grabs, she just wants some other clown at the top.


I’m going to use a poker analogy.

Some Republicans are angle shooters. They will do a bunch of bad stuff that is not technically against the rules, though it may violate the spirit of the rules, and they will stand up against violations that they feel offend the honor of the game because they don’t want the game to break. Other Republicans are outright cheats who only care about winning and will do whatever they can get away with, no matter how outrageous.

Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are from the angle shooter wing of the Republican Party. There’s only so far that they are willing to bend the rules. Donald Trump is the figurehead of the cheating wing of the party.


There are a few things to appreciate here. The misspelling of Berkeley, the fact that she doesn’t seem to recognize the Cal prof, the hammer and sickle reference backed up by the Chinese money data, the claim that $12M over 9 years constitutes heavy funding for a major university, and the kudzu (which probably originated in Japan) analogy. Impressive.

To be fair (not that I like to with her), kudzu is an extremely invasive vine in Georgia, so it’s a local reference.

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So she’s angry he misspelled her name but is like “whatever” when she misspelled Berkeley. Such an encapsulation of conservatives.


MTG obv an REM fan.

Yeah, this x1000

That was just chef’s kiss material right there:

  1. Making a big deal of of someone else missing an ‘e’ in her name
  2. Then she makes a mistake of missing an ‘e’ in another name
  3. Saying #2 is no big deal.

It really is perfect.


I know she won’t respond, but I hope this triggers her.


Being a hypocrite is an easy game: people who forget the letter at the end of her name are just stupid. Only stupid people like wannabe fancy liberals would put an unnecessary addition letter in the middle of Berkeley.

That woman has the easiest job ever: finding a way to troll liberals and fans stupid enough not to see through her antics.

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She’s not really a hypocrite though.

They left the “e” off the end of my name = I am the victim, liberals are out to get me
They made fun of me for leaving the “e” out of Berkeley = I am the victim, liberals are out to get me

She obviously is performatively over the top specifically to get a rise out of people, but I think you underestimate how much of Republican “inconsistent” beliefs are actually all totally consistent with their couple of overriding principles. She’s not being hypocritical she’s just telling us what her world view is. It’s a pretty conventional modern American conservative world view.


Not sure if this was posted yet. Not sure if his kind of crazy fits in with the current level of crazy in the GOP

some dumb intern will see it and delete it as they do the 5 billion other troll DMs they get. good work grasshopper.

exactly, stop smashing the WE GOT HER button yall

Really? Seems right on the money to me.


lol wtf is this

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Inspired by Robocop imo.

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