GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

First reply nails it, “Dude really bumbled.”


Calling people who choose to wear masks indefinitely after a pandemic weirdos in defense of morons who make a big deal about wearing masks, whether needed or not, is a great conversation starter.

Lol, weirdo.


Not gonna work.

Keep us all posted.

I was watching a Japanese movie from the 60’s and one of the characters would put on a facemask every time he went off to work, very bizarre to see this on film right now.


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Howard Dean with some fire

“I hate to call Republicans right-wing fascists because often they supported me, but this is unrecognizable,” he said. “They believe in autocracy not democracy, they are racist. It’s just shocking. What’s happened to the Republican Party.”

He has said Republican members of the House of Representatives were particularly inept. “There are some House Republicans who are basically a sentient YouTube comment section**,” Dean said. “They have nothing to contribute, frankly, to American politics, except for incendiary and sometimes delusional public statements.”


Because visual social pressure works, as evidenced by your entire line here. Telling on yourself budday.

More broadly, like many corporations, Disney has been politicizing its business. Full disclosure: I am a Christian and a conservative Republican, so the people who run Disney and I do not see eye to eye.



If this was a one off, you would be right

But it’s been ten years of this

Sad and embarrassing. Wow. Also what is going on with his eyes.


lol, this dumbass is deputy DA for Clark County, NV.

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Ten years of expressing views that don’t perfectly align with the majority of the board? A little longer than that, really. But anyway, you should come up with some sort of comprehensive list of opinions that shouldn’t be expressed here.

Disagreement isn’t censorship, my man. Nor is it oppression. You’re welcome to deride long-term mask-users, and we’re welcome to deride you for it.

Welcome to the free market of ideas. You can express whatever you want, but it’s not our fault if you can’t find enough buyers.


Personally I’ll never not wear a mask in the ER again (believe it or not, I rarely used to). I’ll also wear a mask in airplanes. If I took public transport, I’d wear it too.


I guess this goes here? Caitlyn Jenner for governor certainly sounds insane.

“Censorious” doesn’t actually have anything to do with “censorship”, they just have the same Latin root. So I didn’t claim I was being censored. My point was that shouting down people with views you don’t agree with, instead of ignoring them or engaging them, is an idiotic thing to engage in on a discussion board.

Pretty sure making a ton of nonsensical posts is shouting people down to normal people.


Which of my posts has been nonsensical?