GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Keed, I like to make posts contradicting forum consensus too. The difference between us is I shut up about it after a few posts. I have to because you people liking me is a priority for me. If you’re going to go to the mat on everything, people are going to dislike you and then make up an ad hoc justification like “troll”.




This guy is a hilarious follow on Twitter.


It seems Qreene might have been a little less than honest about her business experience:

Exactly, as a shorthand to dismiss and “refute” points that they don’t bother to actually argue against. Is that the sort of discussion forum people want? Maybe!

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Lol, you’ve pulled this trick before. The only thing censorious around here is your intentional use of words that sound more inflammatory than what they are to shut up people who disagree with you. Unreal how censorious you are, then you go around accusing others of being censorious.

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I’ve never done the Caffeine Needed /Trolley Trollson thing of dismissing people as trolls and begging others not to discuss topics with them. As far as using a word that confused you, I can’t help it if you don’t have access to a dictionary.

Mocking me for not having access to a dictionary, that’s poor shaming!


Well if you always wore a mask in the before times, that would have been very weird. I would not be surprised if that wouldn’t have adversely affected your precious patient satisfaction scores.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if in the not too distant future some derper patient actually complains about his doctor not taking off his mask.

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They already complain about it.

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It’s so utterly common for me there isn’t a story that really sticks out. Someone complains about masks pretty much every day. I had one dude complaining about communist masks and not being able to hear without reading lips. I literally was going to pop a bipap mask on him to try to keep him from getting a breathing tube and he was using what little breath he had to rant about how masks are stupid because he already had covid and we had vaccines. I told him it’s cool if he takes his mask off just before I strapped the bipap to his face.



Well, I guess the future is now.

The derp is strong in some of these folks.

To be clear, was he requesting that you remove yours?

Oh yeah he asked if I can take off my mask while I talked to him.

The issue with this, and it’s related to your point (if I may be so bold) that people aren’t stupid, is that stupid people—of which there are, at least, a sizable minority—are often genetically incapable of accepting new recommendations regarding significant events based upon new information or old information newly considered.

If, as it turns out, medical opinion changes (even, perhaps especially, slightly) based on the emerging studies of a novel virus, and said recommendations change based on this new or freshly considered information, any new advice would render the previous advice “wrong”. And you find yourself in the quandary of holding fast to your now-bad advice to maintain credibility, or abandoning it in the hopes that a population of anti-vaxxers, average folks, and the 50% of them that are, and I shudder, below average will follow your advice so they don’t die and/or kill their friends and family unwittingly. The issue of course is one of catch-22, and evolving knowledge is always something that flummoxes the great mass of idiots precisely because it’s never something that’s troubled them on any topic.


Well for now our groups satisfaction scores are higher than ever. Well see.

Yeah I follow him on TikTok. His customer service guy answering questions is always pretty golden.

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Ask her to dig a hole and then fill it. That is also the admittance task for congress.