GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Not when millions of petulant adults refuse to wear masks because reasons. Criticisms should be reserved for those people not the ones who wear masks even when it might appear unnecessary.

Of course there could be a lot of potential other reasons why astronauts would be wearing masks at a particular moment.

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Astronauts have always been concerned about bringing disease into orbit. They have been doing pre-launch quarantines since Mercury.


I think that mask theater hurts that. People aren’t stupid, they can see this is transparent propaganda. It’s better to treat people as adults. You don’t need to wear masks if you’ve been vaccinated. You don’t need to wear masks if you’re outside. You don’t need to wear masks if you’re in your space capsule, fully vaccinated and waiting to be launched into space. It’s the opposite side of the coin of the government lying about masks in February 2020. Just tell people that masks are useful, but don’t buy medical grade masks because there’s a shortage and medical professionals need them. Make your own, use a bandana, a neck gaiter, whatever. You deal with people honestly and you build trust. You lie to them constantly and guess what, they don’t fucking believe anything you say, even if it’s true.


yeah but they didn’t wear masks once their in their space capsules. I think if Jim Lovell has measles when Gemini 7 launches then Frank Borman is getting measles if they’re wearing masks or not.

people are absolutely fucking idiots on just about every health care issue

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Anyone who has a negative reaction at all to someone wearing a mask when it’s unnecessary is long past the point of being reasoned with on the subject.


Misanthropy is the only true way to treat everyone equally.


Keed is Keed.

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Vaccinated people should wear masks because they can still host the virus and give it a chance to mutate to something worse and not covered by the vaccine immunity.

In Japan, there is near zero time and energy among its 129 million or so residents spent judging anyone who is wearing a mask for any reason.


Isn’t the risk of being fully vaccinated and walking around unmasked miniscule compared to walking around and wearing a mask and not being vaccinated? The vaccine is the silver bullet. You get enough people vaccinated and it’s all over. We need to sell it, and getting back to normal life is the best sales tool imaginable.

Not really.

Until a bunch of RWNJ idiots refuse to wear a mask and say they’re vaccinated.

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Genuine question: how much time and energy is spent scolding people who aren’t wearing a mask?

Even early on before it was clear that Taiwan is largely safe from Covid I would sometimes get dirty looks from other white guys while wearing a mask outside.

There are a handful of obnoxious Trumpers who frequent the same foreigner bar I sometimes hang out at when I’m in Taichung and I’ve learned that people wearing masks at baseball games are idiots and big tech is lying to us all about the virus (which doesn’t kill anyone btw) etc…

I get that these people are morons and all, but it’s still hard to fathom living in a place where businesses never had to shut down and you can still be a 40 year old frat boy at the bar five days a week without being incredibly grateful to the diligence of the people/government responsible for that.


There is almost no one to scold for not wearing a mask, but even if there was, it’s unlikely many would scold or would need to, for there is always enormous social pressure here to conform and do what everyone else is doing.

You just don’t get people here shouting “F U I ain’t wearing no mask.”


I’m sure there are similar pockets of foreigners in Japan, but they are not the kind of people I would ever consider hanging out with.

Good for the righties. Whatever fucks the mega corps is all right by me. Absolutely zero of them give two fucks about anything but profit and every gesture they make is pure virtue signalling.

I guess Ben was trying to own the libs by buying something for the first time at home depot?

This is clearly a man that has experience purchasing a board.


Gotta get the bag - wouldn’t want to get a splinter in his delicate toddler-hands that have never so much as used a screwdriver.


All this Ben Shapiro shit is hitting pretty close to home for me. Clearly I need to learn to fix shit around my house at least a little.

At least I would have gone sans bag, so there’s that.