GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

not really, it’s essentially subsidizing the for-profit healthcare system and actively working against single-payer systems.


There is ZERO way this country is going to single payer in one step.

But pretty soon a whole generation will have come of age where government is involved so if can fade restrictive voting there will be further steps. Medicare age lowered.

Absent a complete economic collapse, incrementalism will be the likely path.

I really don’t think it’s worse than the pre Obamacare status quo. My wife and I both work as independent consultants. No way we could wo living in an ACA compliant state.




Here’s a verse I learned from a street juggler in Austin:

Patience is a virtue,
Possess it if you can,
It’s seldom found in woman,
And never found in man.

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I swear sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who remembers this.

Exchanging the placements of George W. Bush and Donald Trump in that sentence doesn’t change the meaning much.

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I thought run of the mill pharmacies didn’t have the cold refrigeration necessary for pfizer and were just doing moderna. That changed?

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Man that Overton window keeps just slipsliding over. Remember when the Freedom Caucus was the far-right one?

I think most pharmacies doing pfizer. It’s fine for like 12 hours if refrigerated. Also, probably fine for decent time if really cold but not super cold, but they did super cold for the trial to ensure no issues.

How about we reinstitute the anglo saxon political tradition of a unicameral legislature?

Or if we want to be more faithful to history, just go with a king.

Well, this is what Donnie Dumb Dumb was suggesting.

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Beyond the incrementalism point you’re making, Obamacare simply did a lot of good. You can argue over how ‘left’ it is or whatever, but the basic core parts of it (removal of prior conditions issues, subsidized individual insurance, expansion of medicaid, and more) did a hell of a lot of good from the status quo.


Plenty of support for that in certain right-wing circles.

But he and Michelle O. are best pals!

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At the risk of risking all my perceived negative street cred you are absolutely right. Obamacare was a pretty large meaningful step forward for 100s of thousands of Americans. Now let’s go all the way and make every American worthy of health care.


When I rode the bus to school, one time a girl puked on the floor and it stunk up the whole bus so badly that everyone started chanting, “We love farts! We love farts!”


Ok, tiktok went like 2-1 against. I will abide by that as far as anyone knows.

But now the question becomes should I get an instagram account?

Instagram Yea or Nay
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

God she is the absolute stone cold worst democrat senator by a fucking mile. 2nd worst VORP behind Feinstein.

Probably so. I still kind of like her. Anyway she got my vote.