GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Huh? Maybe in, like, 2008 this was true.

But when you don’t it’s like pure mainline crack for the base. See Trump.

Well, that was fast:

Now Gaetz has to add walking his support back to his to do list. Least of his problems, I suppose.


It’s the establishment democrats job to keep it from moving left.



Nancy Pelosi Is s massive part of preventing the democrats to move left. Just absolute ghoul

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Biden isn’t much better

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Florida woman:


The last 40 years plus America has been steadily shifting to the right - deregulations, union busting, mass incarcerations, forever wars, wealth shift out of the hands of the middle class into the coffers of the oligarch class, hyper militarized law enforcement, defunding of education and anti immigration policies. Not to mention the unlimited campaign contributions given to corporate entities.

Progressive policies may be more popular with the masses but as far as actual legislation there has been little to no shift left.

I mean what can be considered shifting to the left? Obamacare? Oh yay, We found a way to give insurance industry executives bigger bonuses while still leaving close to 80 million Americans uninsured or under-insured.


Gay rights is one (possibly the only one) area in which there has been a significant genuine shift to the left over the past 20 years.

But if you have to go back to the 1860s to think of examples in which the US has shifted leftward, that’s not really a great point in your favor.

Should we be patting ourselves on the back that women get to vote too?

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We’ve probably moved leftward socially over the last however many years but everything else has been pushed back to the right. A cynical person might even say (and I’m absolutely stealing this from Dvaut, may he find out community and bless it) that we’ve moved left only in areas that ultimately benefit corporations and big business. Discrimination is bad for business so let’s get rid of that; selling marijuana and other drugs legally is good for business, so let’s legalize them. These things are obviously massive social goods but yeah I think they’ve blinded a lot of us to how bad things have gotten in other areas, like money in politics and the things that kre8tive pointed out.


I don’t think that’s a cynical take, it’s a straightforward description of what is happening. The cynical take is that what is underway in left/liberal politics is just a redefinition of the set of people who are innately bad and deserving of scorn. Instead of blacks and gays it’s the uneducated, uncouth and holders of retrograde opinions.

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Obamacare is a huge shift left. Direct payments in time of crises-left. Sexual preference and identity-left. Not sure what else. Clearly a lot of push back on LGBTQ. Pushback on Ocare failed. But race is very concerning there has been retreat.

I just look at my sister-in-laws family. Two women with two adopted African American kids. Family members who would ordinarily be blind are at least partially woke and vote accordingly.

HR1 is everything. SCOTUS reorg second.


Eh, I dunno.

If that’s the furthest left we can get with a trifecta including 60 Democratic senators, that’s pretty weak.

We couldn’t even get halfway to a system that every other industrialized country figured out like a half century ago.

The discrepancy between white and minority is still big but the trend is in the right direction.

That first graph shows essentially zero improvement from 2000 to 2018.


Agree but the improvement before that is still progress in the past 50 years.

The lack of change in 20 years is crazy especially when compared to the latinx graph.

There is also this

Edit: Actually looking at the first graph the gap might be widening!

Free porn.


Not gonna disagree, there is a long way to go. Considering the court onslaught and McCain pulling a “Sinema” its pretty amazing Obamacare is still largely intact.

No way we’re going to truly nationalized healthcare in one swoop. Sometimes you have to take your wins and then go from there.