GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

That’s a pretty fat war chest imo



Damnit, I really can’t tell if this is satire or not.


Unclear if related.

“Ana Cabrera is the host that lied about us and said that we were taken down for, she mentioned misinformation, that’s just simply not so,” O’Keefe said.

She will eat through that in a few weeks


A governors race is no walk in the park, it can really chew you up

I have to hand it to this guy, he is really good at trolling.


Not just trolling but sets up the both sides argument. I don’t get the point of the bill when there is zero chance it passes. Just going to piss off moderates for no reason. Get the votes then ram it through, no point in this grand standing shit

I’m fine with it, Overton window, normalizes the idea, centrist cred for those who need it.

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That Astral Codex guy - who is clearly super smart and not a Trump lover, used Dems packing SCOTUS as an example of something that might trigger the right to take up arms.

What the fuck is the nightmare scenario here? Keeping abortion legal? Campaign reform? Voting rights? Ending gerrymandering? Not killing Obamacare? Ending qualified immunity for cops? The horror. The humanity.

Like walk me through how exactly the Dems having a majority on SCOTUS for the first time since the 80s or whatever is going to bring about the socialistic apocalypse.

I fucking give up. If smart ostensibly neutral people think the Dems packing SCOTUS is beyond the pale, while brushing off the fact that 20% of the population is legit screaming for fascism now while 20% more will go along with it, there’s just no hope.


Nuking 2A is probably the most realistic right-wing-nightmare result of a D packed court.

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Right. So the reason they need their guns is to revolt if someone tries to take away their guns.


Maybe politics is not a thing he’s smart about? Smart guys are sometimes really dumb in some subjects.


5.1% of the ‘secular democrats’ are republican

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Just saw my first Desantis 2024 hat out in the wild :man_facepalming:

9% nothing in particular + 4.8% atheist + 3.8% agnostic.

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Sure but there seems to be a ton more like him out there - is my point. Otherwise smart dudes, who were paying attention the last four years, but still get all riled up about cancel culture and give a big meh to our impending descent into fascism.

He’s also the guy who spent 57,000 words fawning over Elon Musks’s plans to colonize Mars, and he just published another 423,000 words about the anracho-capitalist libertopia they’ve been trying to build in Honduras for the past decade which totally for sure isn’t some elaborate tax dodge riding on the back of the totally predictable corruption and exploitation of less developed countries.

I think it’s pretty safe to say he’s just another in a very long line of dudes who are “smart” in one particular sort of way and really fucking dumb in most of the others.


So they’re smart fascists. Fuck ‘em.