GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

The fascism is just a by product of the racism. It all goes back to racism.


Again, I am not lamenting that I can’t be friends with this people. I am dismayed that they’re apparently going to stand idly whining about cancel culture while the Republican party destroys our democracy. Taleb would be their patron saint I imagine.

Can you provide a quote or link rather than a characterization?

In my experience, there aren’t that many like him. He’s a little trollish on libertarianism, because he doesn’t trust state power much, but I’d say he’s faily reluctant and realizes libertarianism breaks down a lot (I would say as a rule, he would probably say as an exception). Anyway, he’s much better read than tech bros and is focused on low cost psychiatric care. Being a psychiatrist, he’s no doubt had a lot of experience with a lot of different people.

Here’s a recent post from him:

Claim: Baltimore suspended prosecutions of minor crimes to prevent people from being in jail during the pandemic, and major crimes dropped (even though they rose in many other cities over the same period). Now they’re experimenting with ignoring minor crimes indefinitely. See also the recent Agan, Doleac, and Harvey paper (or, even better, the Marginal Revolution post on it) exploiting random variation in misdemeanour prosecution to show that people prosecuted for misdemeanours are more likely to commit further criminal behavior in the future, as well as showing an effect in Boston similar to the one in Baltimore. Seems kind of like the opposite of (a certain interpretation of) broken window policing, so ought to be interesting to watch this debate develop.

The marshmallow test has - say it with me - failed to replicate (study, article). Possibly related - how do cultures of patience and risk-taking affect international differences in student achievement?

The good news - a commonly used medication, when taken together with opioid painkillers, makes them much more effective - so that even a low dose might be able to block pain effectively. The bad news - that medication is amphetamine. It’s probably still worth it.

This has made me a lot less optimistic about the kind of dictator-prevention strategy where everyone has lots of guns and then if a dictator comes to power you rush out into the streets shouting FREEEEEDOM!, William-Wallace-style, shooting everything in sight. If there’s a military coup or something, this might work. But if every day your institutions are just a tiny bit less legitimate than the day before, when do you rush out into the street? One of the most important steps on the way to Erdogan’s total control was his court-packing, accomplished under the guise of EU-bid modernization. But if the Democrats manage to pack the Supreme Court at some point, are the people with guns going to rush out into the street shouting FREEEEEDOM? No - realistically even the people who really hate the Democrats and think they’re bad and wrong are going to stop short of armed revolution, because that alone isn’t quite Stalin-level obvious evil. Erdogan demonstrates that you can become a dictator through a few dozen things like that chained together, without any obvious single point where everyone wakes up and notices. There is no fire alarm for dictatorship.

Democrats packing the court = paving the way for Erdogan. Because Democrats have definitely been the party actively trying to kill democracy.

Long live Emperor Biden.

Hunter, ldo.

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I read this quite a bit differently. He only mentions court-packing because that’s what Erdogan (and others) have done, as a step toward autocracy. Of course I, and most others who are concerned about the US courts, are concerned that the republicans have packed the courts in a manner that is anti-democratic. We want to remedy that, and we want to remedy the fact that our current life-tenure system for judges is terrible in light of modern medical care and such, and that the people with the most power are the most removed from contemporary society.

The Emperor Has No Clothes (on)


Ah, so maybe I did have time for that and didn’t click accept.

Hard to take “the right will take up arms” stuff all that seriously after January 6th.

Wasn’t that effectively what that was?

I don’t want to make light of individuals getting murdered but that was pretty clearly the ceiling of what they ever were going to accomplish.

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This guy has no chill.

Sabol allegedly told law enforcement that he tried to make his trip “look natural” with his plans to go skiing at his destination. Sabol, however, retreated from his plans of a Swiss getaway upon seeing officers at the airport in Boston, becoming worried that law enforcement was searching for him. Sabol then ditched his plans, rented a car and began driving south. Sabol threw his phone out the window while driving because he assumed that officers were following him.

Police in New City, New York pulled Sabol over on Jan. 11 for “driving erratically,” the documents said. They allegedly found Sabol covered in blood with “severe lacerations on his thighs and arms,” and claimed that he tried to commit suicide.

Sabol allegedly issued numerous disordered remarks such as: “I am tired, I am done fighting”; “My wounds are self-inflicted”; “I was fighting tyranny in the D.C. Capitol”; and “I am wanted by the FBI.”


Lol he thinks the swiss won’t extradite him?? They’re only like that about money bro.


Lol I remember before the election because polling I really thought packing the court was possible. God I was so naive. I doubt we pack the court even if we have 60 Senate seats. Which we won’t have in my lifetime anyways.

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I applaud Sarah’s fund-raising effort. Go big or go home.

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yeah amazing bad luck, seeing cops at the airport

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I think you probably couldn’t pick a worse way to avoid attention than showing up at the airport, seeing authorities, and nervously fleeing the airport.

Next time he should try to keep a low profile by going to a bank in a ski mask* carrying an empty sack with a big dollar sign on it.




Her case is the most perfect LOL LAW example ever. This asshole isn’t paying child support, has repeatedly and flagrantly lied to the court about his income, has willfully ignored court orders, and absolutely nothing happens other than the mother incurring what have to be crushing legal fees.


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