GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

CAs have been driving up vegas home prices for 20+ years. The main current issue with CA and ny, nj taxes is 1) Trump killing the state and local tax deduction to intentionally fuck with blue states and 2) base home prices in LA, SD, OC, SF, SJ, and pretty much everywhere else. Taxes aren’t the cause of a basic home being 700k and anywhere nice being $1M.

Went to a friend’s new place in Manhattan Beach on Friday, about a mile from the ocean. A nice but smallish place with like a 500 sq ft yard. He paid $1.6M and his mom doesn’t like that it’s so close to the 'hood.

Oh absolutely. That’s why scientists are worried about glaciers melting in Greenland. All that fresh water runoff fucks with the ocean salinity and has an effect on the entire planet.

Yeah that part also confuses me. I get that the sea level will rise and why that’s bad is obvious.

The weather changes seem less intuitive. For example why is the warmer water in the Atlantic more conducive to hurricanes than the colder water of the pacific?

Hurricanes get their energy from warm water. The water needs to be 82 degrees or warmer for a hurricane to form.

In basic terms, a hurricane is a heat engine that transfers hot air north in order to cool the tropics.


If we speed up climate change, maybe we can drown all the deplorables in Florida before they notice.


So what about all hurricanes up north like in New Jersey, for example? Does the water really get up to 82 degrees there?

Depends. If the eye is over the Gulf Stream, it’s warm enough to stay a hurricane. Storms that north are usually transitioning from a hurricane to an extratropical storm. They also move faster so there’s less time to weaken.

BTW- Sandy wasn’t a hurricane when it made landfall in NJ… It was an extratropical storm that expanded in size. West Virginia got like 3 feet of snow.

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Thanks for the info. It makes more sense now.

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Broward County is a liberal area of Florida.

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I’ve got to say on the reasons to leave CA, I never thought I’d see the quality of avocados make the list.

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I’ll admit that FL is probably liveable from Nov to Feb or March, and it probably seems great if you’re from the NE or midwest that time of year. But there’s a reason the early US was more or less happy to leave FL to Spain and/or native americans.

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I used to live there, and I don’t really remember that. I’m not a huge avocado fan, tho. I only like them in guacamole form (in which case I really love them).

Do they actually taste better or are they just bigger?

The top inbound states (with 250 moves or more) of 2020 were:

  1. Idaho
  2. South Carolina
  3. Oregon
  4. South Dakota
  5. Arizona
  6. North Carolina
  7. Tennessee
  8. Alabama
  9. Florida
  10. Arkansas

The top outbound states for 2020 were:

  1. New Jersey
  2. New York
  3. Illinois
  4. Connecticut
  5. California
  6. Kansas
  7. North Dakota
  8. Massachusetts
  9. Ohio
  10. Maryland
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I appear to have been quite relevant to this study.


Who the fuck moves to south dakota or idaho? What do you even do there?

A friend in SD teaches at a university and drinks.

My guess is that they are just two different varieties of avocados that probably could be grown in Southern CA. The ones on the left look like Haas, which are supposedly the creamiest, and therefore the most popular. The other ones are something else. I would be surprised if they couldn’t be grown in CA.

They look kind of like Indonesian avocados:

But they very likely are something else. There are tons of avocado varieties:

Afaik, not nearly as many avacados are grown in so cal these days. Most, i think, come from Mexico. Hardly any oranges grown in so cal these days. Not sure where they are imported from.

Today, California’s citrus sector, valued at more than $1 billion annually, ranks second in the U.S. after Florida, which produces the most valencia oranges; those are the seeded oranges used mostly for orange juice. California is No. 1 in fresh-market oranges, most notably the navel, but also produces a significant share of the nation’s valencias, lemons, grapefruit and tangerines.

With the rise of urbanization in Southern California, what was once the state’s original “citrus belt” has gradually migrated north into the San Joaquin Valley.

“The industry has primarily moved out of Southern California because it became more profitable to grow houses than oranges,” Moses said.

Mexico harvested some 2.3 million tons of avocados in 2019, making that country the top producer of avocados worldwide. Avocados are native to Mexico and Central America but are now grown in many different regions across the globe .

From 2015 to 2017, California and Florida accounted for 86 percent and 13 percent of U.S. avocado production, respectively, while the west-central Mexican States of Michoacán and Jalisco accounted for 78 percent and 8 percent, respectively, of Mexican production.

it’s Florida, he wins easily

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