GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I once listed my occupation as ‘terrorist’ on my tax return back in the early 90’s. In hindsight, that was probably unwise.


Well, someone begs to differ.

One time my brother wrote a check to me and wrote NAMBLA dues.


Not sure if this belongs here but since we are talking about spoiled rich people, Tiger getting off the hook without a citation or drug test after running into a tree at 90 mph in a 45 is… certainly something.

You say we have a double standard when it comes to rich people?

Nahhhhhh, I’m sure any of us would get off scott free after endangering multiple lives by driving like an idiot while likely high (though I guess we will never know, even though he 100% had his blood drawn while at the hospital.)

Apologies for derail:


Apparently cops don’t give out tickets to an accident if there are no witnesses.

So I get to use that whenever I get a red light camera ticket?

Depends. Does your account balance look like a phone number?

How many 0’s can you have preceding the first digit in a phone number?




Well… based on my experience. I think you would. I got a lot of examples, but I can’t explicitly share them.

Cops are lazy.

This happened to my dad’s work mate, nice guy too as I remember him, unfortunately he was heading home from work and the road he was travelling in was wide enough for 2 vehicles at the time, he had swerved a car turning in the middle and as he done so hit the accelerator, hit the kerb and run the vehicle into a pub wall and ended up inside killing himself and a passenger, 2 survived the crash and told the story.

Years later the rumors was that it was a orange terrorist group that had bombed the pub and when I heard it I was absolutely gobsmacked and learned of my 1st conspiracy theory, to this day people believe the orange angle more lol.

I wonder if @marty can name the pub? :point_up_2: Or has heard the story before. :grin:

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Imagine the rigors of political candidates being tweaked just so by their handlers. Then this doofus shows up and becomes president.

Zuckerberg needs to rock the Vince Neil head scarf.

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Bret Michaels comes to mind

Uh what are you saying about crocs?

Do you have any experience dueling?

Can’t see how that would ever backfire.

To be fair, most books are this way.