GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I was always under the impression that Trump’s suits were pretty remarkable at making him look significantly less fat than he is unless you caught him at the perfect angle.

For me nothing beat the layer of pink surrounding the orange on his face.

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Living in PA, its a cult out there in Happy Valley.


Imagine getting fired by someone with Mark Davis’ hair.


going to have nightmares about these haircuts

need a little more forehead?



Data was Fabio in comparison



These aren’t even cheap shots at someone’s appearance either. These are wealthy and powerful people who are choosing not to listen to very good and very obvious advice. Zuckerbangs is either ignoring everybody telling him it’s not in his or Facebook’s best interest to look like that, or worse doesn’t allow anybody to give him that advice in the first place. It’s physical evidence of his terrible judgement and arrogance.


Ehh. Not everyone gives a shit about their appearance; especially after marriage. Sometimes I get a haircut every 3 weeks, sometimes I go 2 months. Tons of married women don’t shave their legs unless it’s a special occasion.

That said, it’s still fun to dunk on wealthy people for looking like hobos.


You don’t testify in front of Congress about global political ramifications as the public face of your trillion dollar corporation.

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Zuck just has an unfortunate hair texture and face combination. Hard to think of a way to not make him look like an android.

This is an extremely weak argument and not necessary at all to support Zuckerberg having poor judgment and being arrogant.


My wife getting cancer 17 years ago was the best thing that ever happened… for my hair. Shaved it down and realized it looked way better than my unmanageable stringy hair. Hadn’t started balding that bad yet either. Now I am and we just use clippers at home and it is easy and looks decent


What on Earth does that have to do with his haircut?

It’s his company. He’s not some outsider that was groomed to be the face of the company.

Because appearances matter quite a bit. I know a lot of people want to pretend otherwise, but they do. His hair is something he both can and should change.

The dude is the 2nd or 3rd wealthiest person alive. Do you think he’ll somehow become #1 by looking better?

Guys like Zuckerberg live by a different set of rules.

His political ambitions were certainly hindered by his decision to look like an android prototype.

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I mean you are shifting the goal posts here.

That’s awesome, I’m not a pointy elbow pointer per se but it looks like that man has the most rectangular head ever and/or he’s from minecraft.