GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

damn you people have spent tens of posts dunking on Gladwell and no one has brought up the famed Igon Value Problem?

I will call this the Igon Value Problem: when a writer’s education on a topic consists in interviewing an expert, he is apt to offer generalizations that are banal, obtuse or flat wrong,

I question the judgement of anybody who is willingly photographed while looking like Malcolm Gladwell.



Emaciated sideshow Bob is a perfectly cromulent look!

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Zuckerberg too. How can none of these people find a competent barber and take their advice?

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Bill Gates famously cuts his own hair with a pair of hedge shears, not sure why we’re taking pandemic advice from a college dropout who doesn’t have his shit together enough to credibly groom himself.

There’s a bit of a thing with these tech dudes, like having sloppy hair and wearing hoodies is a “flex” to lord it over the investment bankers and lawyers that have to wear suits.

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This reminds me of the best-managed image that I can remember, I think courtesy of Keeed:

What’s advertised:

What you actually get:

Goddamn do I laugh out loud every time I see this comparison.


I don’t have to show you the rest of the picture, you know who this is


iconic af


Goddammit I can’t help myself.



Tech Billionaire Hair Rankings:

end of list

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I don’t actually know who that is, but it reminds me that Mark Davis is certainly a founding member of the billionaire terrible haircut club. (That can’t be him, right?)



He flies a guy in just to do that, too! lolololol

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I think it’s even worse - Davis is apparently the one who does the traveling:

Regarding the bowl cut, Keown writes that Davis travels more than 400 miles from his home in northern California to Palm Springs just to get it cut at the same barber:

"In perfect Davis family fashion, it’s a middle finger to convention. Davis travels to Palm Desert to get it cut, just as he traveled to Chico from Oakland to visit a preferred barber long after he left college at Chico State. “I think he’s had three barbers since college,” [former Raiders WR Cliff] Branch says. “If he likes something, he stays loyal.”

Nate usually looks at lot messier than that.

That’s Brent Spiner in character, right?

In bad hair news, this is the TV producer on whose yacht Wayne LaPierre was staying.


Saw it yesterday and got 2nd degree douche chills.

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Hot take: Trump’s hair was not ridiculed enough. He has world historical bad hair.


In the world’s defense, we were distracted by the god-awful orange spray tan, his hilarious voice and the awful bullshit it conveyed, his tiny, gesticulating hands, and the longest ties and most ill-fitting suits in history.