GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Ok, but how does that translate to (criminal!) lawsuits? Is there some cause of action I’m unaware of for “not being nice to conservatives?”


Students would also be able to record classroom lectures without a professor’s consent for educational purposes or to use in preparation of a civil or criminal case against a higher-education institution. Rodrigues said in committee that students should be able to “shed a light” on wrongdoing in a classroom.

This sounds like a PragerU content farm. Got to imagine some Turning Point chud showing up with an HD camera on a stand. Aren’t they all non profits for general welfare educational purposes?

I can imagine all sorts of imaginative civil cases. The criminal part is probably just to cover all bases.

I mean I don’t have much problem with it.

“My prof said Marx was an influential thinker in economics.”

Pretty sure it’s already legal to tape profs, but various schools may have various policies about it. In any event, distribution would be copyright infringement absent fair use (eg, to report a crime or for news).

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Conservatives think that universities are rife with rampant leftism that leads to conservative students being shouted down in classrooms and not allowed to express their ideology. They think this will allow a bunch of budding James O’Keefes to gather evidence that their civil rights and freedom of speech are being violated.

It’s more about civil cases than criminal cases and being able to threaten to sue professors into oblivion.


It’ll just a new way to get videos for Fox News liberal bias college stories silencing the poor conservative voices

EdiT : NotBruceZ beat me to it

My biology class taught evolution!

I’ve taught classes, as have many here, and while I’m sure i made some snarky remarks, such teaching was inherently public and approached as such. I guess i wouldn’t want lectures all over the net without more polish, but no big deal.

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In both college and law school my professors went out of their way to present the conservative arguments even when they were obviously wrong (lol originalism).


I can’t imagine college lectures were illegal to record before this bill. I can’t recall anyone, liberal or conservative, making hay about recording lectures before though.

During his residency, a friend of mine had some interaction with people who worked with Carson. Their take was that he was an average or maybe above average surgeon but his calling card was taking cases that no one else would take because they were considered to be hopeless, due to his religious beliefs. He would also continue to operate on patients beyond the point of being able to salvage them. I can believe his intentions were good but he was not some sort of incredibly talented surgeon, at least from these accounts.

Wow ponied by Melkerson a way back. Glad that I’m not just making this up since it’s a second hand account, though.


Yah that law is all about letting people sue colleges into oblivion to obstruct their ability to conduct business.

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The “big” issue I see is services selling lectures as class notes for absentees, bringing down attendance.

Florida is a two-party consent state, so there is an argument that you need a professor’s consent. I’m not sure if that holds up in court, though.

But, really, the law is irrelevant. The purpose is to create a chilling effect on the free speech of professors and the ability to do their job. Even if this doesn’t pass, if you teach at a college, you are being given notice that people are gunning for you, that your every move is under potential observation.


Recorded College lectures will become the new Grateful Dead tapes that people trade


It ain’t that cheap or easy to sue colleges into oblivion, especially the 200 or so with law schools.

“I started out trying to take down liberal professors and now I’ve got a BA in critical race theory.”


If you’ve ever wondered if you’d be filthy rich without morals the answer is yes.

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Friend in MI wants to go on a post covid trip, probably in US. Where should two 45ish guys go? He’s like $1M/yr rich with 3 kids (wife and kids aren’t coming). Vegas seems kinda obvious but meh. What’s a good semi post covid place to hit like early may?

For some, true for sure. For the one I work at, not so much lol.

Find a crappy Midwest strip club and go absolutely ass wild throwing money all over the place.